for my foam fam, peep the Galaxy and Dooms

coordinate coordinate thats cuz youre a cheapskate (like me) :lol

But 375 for oregons is great

alp alp the price is nice but you can see a lot of paint coming off one of the shoes. The upper on those galaxys arent in good condition.

Did anyone check out the dooms from that post? I didnt look cuz im good with my pair 8)
@CoOrdinate thats cuz youre a cheapskate (like me)

But 375 for oregons is great
 You aint lying haha. Having the collections we do we are allowed to do so, do I "need" any more foams? nope 

I was burned on ta pair of Oregons for 375, so that pair and number are cursed for me, need an amazing deal on that pair
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Latest pick up. Both for $360 off the bay. VNDS

Speaking of galaxies, a clean pair for $750 is a steal right?
Alp....amazing pair dude

For today
#og not retro

The grooves are so deep on these. They don't make em like they used to
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:x :eek eyes of hazel eyes of hazel where'd you get those flights man? Beauties.

over the weekend.....


I wear these greens foams A LOT, should probably put them away for a bit.


finally und's the platinums. I really like the grey on them.
where'd you get those flights man? Beauties.

mrdozo mrdozo Appreciate the response. Sincerely.

Wife been KILLING eBay lately, Bro. It's obviously a current "housing market crash" going on with all the late 90s - mid 00s stuff many of us hold dear -- I assume as people chase the "hype" stuff to snap pics on their IG, and gain new "friends" smh. So she cleaning up. Personally, the FP1 was the first shoe she got me in '99, so the model (og form only, lol), hold significance to us.
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