The OFFICIAL Simpsons Thread | 35 years and counting


Happy whatever you celebrate Simpsons NT fam!
I've decided to binge watch Seasons 1-9 (sometime this year). It's said the writing started to deteriorate after Season 9 and if that's around 1998/9 I kinda agree. I remember not watching it a lot in the late 90s. This could be because I wasn't a kid anymore and I started working around that time but I maybe remember watching a few episodes and not getting that same amazement as the earlier seasons.
The Armin Tamzarian episode in season 9 is widely considered to be the "jump the shark" moment

So I went back and and looked up all the episodes in Season 9 and it's pretty accurate. Most of them were a bunch of nothing with the exception of the Lord of the Flies parody episode "Das Bus". I remember watching all of those episodes as they aired which is probably the last time I watched a full season. To be sure I checked Season 10 and barely remember any of it with the exception of the Marge SUV episode (the Canyonero).

I also checked Season 8 and that seems to be the last good season.
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