Pretty big praise from Linus who's a PC guy primarily and GT Planet's review for GT 7 is also good.
My headset impressions mirrors that of most reviews. Screen is great and big step up from PSVR. Only down side is finding that sweet spot initially but its easier afterwards.
Big QOL improvements across the board with the play area, passthrough mode, new controllers etc.
I've not had enough time to play mine. Only got 7 hours of playtime on Horizon COTM. There's a lot of climbing, maybe too much but I was suprised by the combat. It's actually fun and I wish there was more. There's definitely a good foundation to work of if they were to make a sequel with free roaming for battles. The scale of the machines is definitely felt more in VR. Makes me want a VR Transformers game. There should also be a survival mode with waves of machines once you're done with the game but I'm probably like a third of the way in the game so I'm sure there's more to come.
Best thing about the headset is cinematic mode. No jungle of cables means I can finally lay down and watch Netflix on a quality big screen. It's not 4K sharp so I wouldn't watch a MCU film on there first but for TV shows to binge it's great.
Got every demo downloaded apart from Resident Evil Village. Not even going to bother trying that