The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

Announce a console without actually showing a console? That's one approach
We're all pretty shocked there wasn't any look at the hardware.

I am sadly not shocked that Square showed up unexpectedly and shot themselves in the foot twice. :smh:
Yeah I didn't get why that first dude sent another dude on stage to announce the date of another announcement for a game
people dont realize that top of the line cards are just now getting 6gb ddr5

oh, so glad its ps4 and not some other blah name
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I know I've sounded like a Debbie Downer during this whole thing, but it was well deserved. This announcement was so lackluster and boring that I would've walked out early.

We got one new IP that looked kinda cool in Knack until gameplay footage showed that it's a generic beat 'em up.
A new Killzone :x
Gran Turismo Google+ Hangout edition.
A new inFamous :x :x
Some puppet show thing that will be cool if it let's you make short films, edit them, record voiceovers and what not. But I highly doubt that will happen.
A game that looks like Minecraft with better graphics from some guy that looks like a crackhead.
We got a cool rendering of Bill from Kill Bill from a guy whose game's don't live up to the hype and are more style over substance.
Capcom gave us Super Dragon's Dogma Hyper Next Gen Edition.
Squeenix showed us something that they showed us months ago and which wasn't impressive then. Then told us about a new FF that everyone will get excited and then hate upon release.
Ubisoft stole the show with Watch Dogs cos that game looks ******g kick ***. I'm not gonna bad mouth anything about that.
Then we get Diablo 3 for PS4



Then Bungie had to save the show with their Halo MMO thing that actually looks pretty awesome.

So we got 2.5 out of 11 that look promising.

Plus we didn't even see the console. This was a massive failure and Sony is gonna get killed in the gaming press.

Inb4 wait for E3.
So what exactly did Sony accomplish by putting together this 2hr nonsense?

oh wait..... we got to see a controller :smh:

those games they showed were nothing new or nothing out of the ordinary....

graphics were nothing major....

and for them to say "your move microsoft" at the end of it all? really?

Yes I own a PS3 and planning on purchasing a PS4 in the future but for them to put this together and not even give us a glimpse of a console, pricing or even an actual date?
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^^ Well it aint that smart of Sony to show all your cards out too MS ...ball on MS court now and see what they got and beside its only Feb

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SONY did a good job to get us talking about the PS4. Hopefully they get a jump start to the market.
Didn't even show the console.

I understand wanting to save some things for E3, but at least give us a glimpse of it.

Aside from the Watch Dogs demo, this even was meh.

Have a PS4 reveal event; Don't reveal PS4.

Scumbag Sony.
^Yea, they should have showed the console, but maybe they reall haven't decided on the final design.

E3 is in June, they will show it then. They will show mad games between now and then.

I'm guessing pre-ordering takes place in August.
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