The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

Is there a way for me to add movies before they hit instant? I remember Netflix adding movies from my DVD once it was available online. Since I no longer have the DVD plan, I was wondering if I'm able to.
Just watched Get The Gringo. Enjoyed it

me too.

As much as hollywood hates on mel, his movies never disappoint. He's got the action movie formula down.

This movie reminded me of Max Payne at times with the narration and plot development.

I watched my buddy beat the most recent one that came ount set in Brazil

Watching this now


Filmmaker Mads Brügger poses as a diplomat in central Africa and secretly films his wheeling and dealing in a corrupt society. With forged diplomatic papers, he claims to be opening a match factory, but tries to gain access to the area's diamonds.
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Having a reall F'd up day. Can anyone recommed me something hilarious or heartwarming that will get my mind off this crappy day?
Having a reall F'd up day. Can anyone recommed me something hilarious or heartwarming that will get my mind off this crappy day?

Sorry to hear that man. Idk if it's on netflix streaming, but Anchorman makes my problems go away easily.

I have this on BluRay at home. Will probably pop that in when I get to the house. But I have 3 hours to go before I get off work. Thanks for the recommendation though.
Since I've started watching Arrested Development. i've been in a better mood lately. The show is too damn funny.
In some ways it is. A system of control, clerics=agents, the resistance. A lot of simularities.

but also the matrix went deeper into different mythologies. Equilibrium was a very shallow movie. There should have been way more to the movie and whil I think the fighting was cool, the film got caught too much in it, and not enough story. Given a different director and better writers, and it wouldve been a cult classic
For those interested in Parks&Rec: Don't even watch the first season. Completely different show. I actually saw the 3rd and 4th seasons first, then the 2nd season. In the first season Leslie's character is decidedly different in personality(she's sort of an inept dum-dum) and they hadn't really figured out how to write for Ron Swanson yet.
but also the matrix went deeper into different mythologies. Equilibrium was a very shallow movie. There should have been way more to the movie and whil I think the fighting was cool, the film got caught too much in it, and not enough story. Given a different director and better writers, and it wouldve been a cult classic

True its one of those what if movies. With a Matrx budget this would have been classic. We all would be learning the gun kata.
check out the documentary on Fire Ants. very interesting on how sophisticated these tiny creatures are.
Just watched "Indie Game: The Movie".

It's a pretty good doc. I didn't even know that the genre even existed.

If you've got sometime, def check it out.
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