The Official Metal Gear Solid 4 Thread Vol. Snake's Last Hurrah | It's Out | Don't Post Spoilers!

Just beat it.
That was the longest "outro". EVER.

This game is illy, no doubt. Gonna have to go back through it 10 more times to catch all the stuff I missed. Easily the best game I've played in aloooong time. Poops all over GTAIV, although they really are totally different games.
Originally Posted by AtlDunkman

Where do I get the digital camera? Is the Nomad, Octacon's plane or Drebins tank?
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It's in Octacon's plane, 1st floor, Act 2 mission briefing.
The end of ACT 4..
x 1000000000

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This dude Otacon was crying super hard and then the next second, hes like I'm good.. I was
. and then Raiden is $#$*#%# beast/G.. How in the hell are you goin to chop your own arm off, run over and stop a bigass ship, stab you own foot to get some leveridge, get ran over by the ship and still live?

Dude had me

and that Metal Gear Rex/Ray fight was

So can someone school me on PS3's? I have a 360 and it's whatever. Halo 3 was a huge disappointment.

What kind of bundles do they have? How much? Where?
JordanHead2 - yes... actually all of Act 4 was amazing... and that end bit was just jaw-dropping...

I had previously avoided this thread because I didn't want to be 'spoiled' by accident... now that I've finished it once,I thought I'd dropby... I' m trying different routes and tactics the second time around... certainly one of the best games I've ever played in terms of visuals, use ofsurround sound, gameplay, story... crazy....

NCTwin - great easter eggs there... must try some of those...
Someone asked this a while back... but where do you get the password in the "extra" section in the main menu?

Also how do you guys know what animal rank requires what criteria?
Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

JordanHead2 i feel the same way i was shocked it was

and i dont explain how in my second run through i have tranqualized every single person and at the end of act 2 it said i had 11 kills do the people drebin runs over count as a kill
Same thing happened to me I swear I killed no one then at the end of Act 2 its said I had 2 kills. Oh well at least I got stealth.
Originally Posted by Mayor of NYC

Originally Posted by areyouin729

Originally Posted by Mayor of NYC

because NG2 is a harder game to play and is more action packed..i still know people who still havent beaten the first ninja gaiden (including me). MGS is like grand theft know youll end up beating the game in 2 weeks or so.

shoo...Dino Crisis for Dreamcast > Metal gear solid

you tell me which is worse



ps, does the fact that uve never beat the first ninja gaiden on xbox make u feel better?
yes, for the simple fact that..i know ive gotten my money's worth..the game is challenging like its supposed to be..they invented blockbuster for games like MGS..

Wow. Please, let's not even argue anymore. MGS>>>>> Ninja Gaiden.
Aight let's see if anyone can help me out with this.

Is there anyway I can download MGS Database and Mgs Theme on to a flash drive and transfer it to a PS3. I have a PS3 at my girl's house but it's notconnected to the internet.

Thanks to anyone who can help me out.
amazing game, i stayed out of this thread once I got the game to not be spoiled, even by accident

Snake going out with a bang!

anyone interested in my copy, i'm letting it go for $55 shipped
I just bought Metal Gear Solid Essentials Collection and was wondering if Icould play it on my PS3? I have the 40 Gig PS3 and the guy told me I could if I were to download a patch or something off of
Originally Posted by integradr1

do any of you guys know how to give items to the militia or pmc troops?

I don't think you can give items to PMC's... but you can to the militia... just equip the item (ration, for example) and walk up to the militia (theexchange icon will appear), then press triangle.. sometimes they will give you something in return (like ammo)...
Originally Posted by SinnerP

Originally Posted by integradr1

do any of you guys know how to give items to the militia or pmc troops?

I don't think you can give items to PMC's... but you can to the militia... just equip the item (ration, for example) and walk up to the militia (the exchange icon will appear), then press triangle.. sometimes they will give you something in return (like ammo)...

ok thanks.
I just beat the game yesterday and thought that it was very good. I knew nothing about Metal Gear Solid but wanted a reason to get the PS3. Since I'veplayed Super Smash Bros so much and Snake's my favorite character to use, I thought that the 80gb PS3 bundle was too good to pass up. The graphics aregreat and the ending was nice as well. I started to get worried when I thought I wouldn't be able to fight Ocelot. I wanted to put a bullet in his headinstead but the ending was still great nevertheless. Also, any one figure out if you can put your own music into Snake's iPod???
i just copped it, i have never played a mgs game before. needless to say i dont know whats going on. i am in act 2 after i just talked to dreben. i suck atthe whole sneaky thing. i just put the silencer on the m4 and a scope and wreck shop.
I beat MGS4 Twice and currently am at the part where you fight Vamp on my third go around. But I recently stopped playin MGS4 because I bought Metal Gear SolidThe Essentials. Just started playing the first Metal Gear again and man I forgot how good this games was. I just beat the ninja and met Otacon for the firsttime
game brings back so many memories.
parada - where did you cop The Essentials? I've played through MGS, MGS2 and MGS4, but skipped MGS3... now I'm tempted to go back...

on a sidenote regarding the initial part of Act 4 (trying to keep things vague, don't wanna spoil it) I was hoping there was more to it...
also, I'm going through this a second time and was wondering...

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When I go up against Screaming Mantis, do I have to shoot the dolls from her again, or can I just use the ones I have?
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