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also if the vc isnt transfering in mycareer you have to make a 2nd mycareer file and it will work on that one.. yes that means you might have to start over.. it was a glitch, but this method does work.. especially for the people who are paying cash money for vc.. 
so for **** and giggles I created a new PSN and my2k acct. Obviously it connects online whereas my first acct that's half way through the season doesn't. 
So is it possible to get a second code if I created a new Playstation Network account and used a different email account but used the same Playstation Console?  Don't know if its worth the risk of being cancelled and don't know if I wanna play that much again, but I do have 100,000 VC just sittin in the main menu and I could use it on a newly created My Player, seems like a waste no to use it.
probally wont get it fam.. gotta change the gamer tag up.. 
hes gonna be so mad when he reads your post. 

i never tried getting multiple codes on one account but im pretty sure you cant get it on the same one. i guess we will find out soon...
So is it possible to get a second code if I created a new Playstation Network account and used a different email account but used the same Playstation Console?  Don't know if its worth the risk of being cancelled and don't know if I wanna play that much again, but I do have 100,000 VC just sittin in the main menu and I could use it on a newly created My Player, seems like a waste no to use it.
i created a secondary account on the same playstation and i got another code... the vc wont transfer tho because you'll be on another account.
i created a secondary account on the same playstation and i got another code... the vc wont transfer tho because you'll be on another account.
good point did not think about that, not worth it then I got one pair that's good enough for me.  Honestly not even a big fan of the Lebron Series but hopefully its a good looking shoes, if not I'll give someone a good price and get some shoes I really want.
turn game speed to 100, 6 min quarters..

eat your skittles and go into beast mode for like 20 games, im talking 40+ points b+ and above then score 20 a game and foul out up to game 77 if your grade or your point avg dips too much just go back in beast mode for a game or 2... 2nd time around moved alot faster.. still dont see a 3rd on the horizon 

method tested and approved.
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I haven't been able to get on since Friday I'm really pissed off right now I planned on cracking out Saturday and Sunday thanks 2k and your hot garbage servers
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