**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

My experience wit Daniels was great. I don't know if they're sending em out or wht but I could have it filed like I wanted.. traditional.. flat.. square. I told him traditional and it's filed on both sides.. slightly rounded. Links tight. I took it to an xray it was just over 14k! No problems. I think at this point it's whoever gives the best price. At that time it was leon but when I went in, he was tryin to upsell me then was by himself in the shop so he was kinda quick wit it. Daniels matched the price and was real patient so I went wit them. I told em my concerns on the links and the rest is history
Guess - 6mm handmade or machine.
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Anyone know any spots that will take mail in trades aside from the Florida shops (their rope prices aren’t the best) looking to trade in both my 5mm ropes and scoop up an 8mm.
Anyone know any spots that will take mail in trades aside from the Florida shops (their rope prices aren’t the best) looking to trade in both my 5mm ropes and scoop up an 8mm.
Would it be better to sell both? Don’t they offer under spot most times?
Anyone know any spots that will take mail in trades aside from the Florida shops (their rope prices aren’t the best) looking to trade in both my 5mm ropes and scoop up an 8mm.
I've been thinking about trading my 5mm and 6mm and do exactly that as well. Don't know of any spots. Let me know if you find a good reputable place. I would be appreciative.
Grimal got some nice stuff. Not surprised to hear about the language barrier though, you’d probably just have to go in person. That’s how Las Villas was, no English over the phone but they were pretty helpful in store.
Grimal got some nice stuff. Not surprised to hear about the language barrier though, you’d probably just have to go in person. That’s how Las Villas was, no English over the phone but they were pretty helpful in store.
Depending on the location

Same as Leon
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