**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Man some of y'all out here playing with fire. it takes very little to insure jewlery. Insure your stuff. Get an umbrella policy and you are good.

I ain't worried bout nothing

Who would I go thru to insure my stuff?

You can add it to your homeowner's policy as scheduled personal property. You don't need a police report or anything with it set up like that, you can even just lose the chain and get reimbursed for the replacement cost.

No way, too easy to front. They wouldn't be able to stay in business.
Man some of y'all out here playing with fire. it takes very little to insure jewlery. Insure your stuff. Get an umbrella policy and you are good.

I ain't worried bout nothing

Who would I go thru to insure my stuff?

You can add it to your homeowner's policy as scheduled personal property. You don't need a police report or anything with it set up like that, you can even just lose the chain and get reimbursed for the replacement cost.

thats impossible
Man some of y'all out here playing with fire. it takes very little to insure jewlery. Insure your stuff. Get an umbrella policy and you are good.

I ain't worried bout nothing

Who would I go thru to insure my stuff?

You can add it to your homeowner's policy as scheduled personal property. You don't need a police report or anything with it set up like that, you can even just lose the chain and get reimbursed for the replacement cost.

thats impossible

Actually it is possible. I'm covered if I lose my chain. I don't even have to pay a deductible. Ya'll can go with jewelry mutual if ya'll want, I never even heard of that company. I'd rather go with a big name insurer that also insures my house and I'm paying less than the quote from jewelrymutual.

Check the link for details on the way it works.


Scheduled personal property coverage offers three distinct advantages over just a standard insurance policy.

Replacement cost value Scheduled items are covered on a replacement cost basis, rather than cash value. A standard homeownerís policy covers losses to personal property on an actual cash value basis. Insurance companies determine actual cash value by taking the cost to replace an item and subtracting depreciation for each year of the articleís age. With replacement cost, you get the real cost to replace the damaged or lost item, based on the appraisal you submitted when you scheduled the item, or based on a new appraisal you obtain after the incident, without a deduction for depreciation.
Covers more causes of loss Scheduled property covers more perils than a standard homeowner’s policy. By scheduling your valuable property items, you gain coverage for almost anything that might happen. Even if you just lose a set of earrings, you can put in a claim.
No deductible With scheduled personal property coverage, you are not responsible for paying a deductible on any of your scheduled items.
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Man some of y'all out here playing with fire. it takes very little to insure jewlery. Insure your stuff. Get an umbrella policy and you are good.

I ain't worried bout nothing

Who would I go thru to insure my stuff?

You can add it to your homeowner's policy as scheduled personal property. You don't need a police report or anything with it set up like that, you can even just lose the chain and get reimbursed for the replacement cost.

No way, too easy to front. They wouldn't be able to stay in business.

From looking at the coverage on jewelry mutual, they cover the same thing too - mysterious disappearance. I'm just trying to save ya'll money by combining the policies and you can be insured by a big name insurer.
ASAP FERG Versace linkz

French Montana

Frenchie setup here i like this looks clean plus chains perfect length not too long not too short puase
Ferg and french **** mostly that Gold Plated bang bang ****.

French is a well known bang bang wearer.
You can add it to your homeowner's policy as scheduled personal property. You don't need a police report or anything with it set up like that, you can even just lose the chain and get reimbursed for the replacement cost.
you would just pay the deductible.
You can add it to your homeowner's policy as scheduled personal property. You don't need a police report or anything with it set up like that, you can even just lose the chain and get reimbursed for the replacement cost.
you would just pay the deductible.

i've got my Sub insured (don't really need to) under PP. it covers any type of loss, damage, etc.  since my deductible's higher, I pay lower monthly rates.
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This is a close up of that micro mold, a very bad pic at that. Just wait till the site is up.. we will have professional pics along with the majority of all available molds for about half the price of other jewelers.

PS we can carve out any mold and make it 99% identical to the original.

PS mash potatoe jesus face is not looking right :x
French's signature chains arent bang bang..just low


Coulda swore them Cocaine City and Joe Montana piece was bang bang

Not to mention all that versace, chanel costume jewelry.

Naw that joe montana piece is definitely real, just

Bad quality.. I posted da diamond empire video of it

Here...da Versace/chanel stuff is costume jewelry


Diamond empire uses really piss poor diamonds that

Dont bling, i seen em put da wand on it and it reacted

But like i said..cheap...da metal i believe is precious

Metal though.
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