The Official HBO How To Make It In America Thread [INFO ON SEASON 2 ON PAGE 1]

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770


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Whats Rachel's deal? Is she just the epitome of the American college student who graduates with no plan? the free spirit? is that making it in america? She needs to get her life together...
access denied? 
Very good episode, happy to see things FINALLY bounce their way. I thought Renee was gonna off Cam though

Son showed a little thuggery when he barked on Renee

SMFH @ Ben still dealing with his ex though.
Was an okay episode, didn't really leave you hanging like most finales.

SMH at HBO having such short seasons... even 12 is too short
Good episode
at Cam yelling at Rene and Cam being shook when Rene took him to that pier
The Julie scene

I hope it gets picked up for another season. If it doesn't and Hung does, I'm gonna be mad as hell!
For a 30min show 8 episodes is waay to short. I hope they come back with season 2.
@ Rene doing what the Father told him to do when he feels violent

Damn, I hope it ain't the end of Martha Plimpton's character though. Rachel screwing things up yet again.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

at Cudi's character being from Cleveland, too.
When he was telling that story to ben, he was talking about his uncle and a guy he met in cleveland and put them in one.
link was dead on 1st pg

cam spazzin, rene's reaction

kinda grimey that he made him torch it,"if i go down , you go down"

def need a few more season, hope hbo renews quick
The show started off slow but really got good by the end


I don't see the show airing a second season until after School starts up again.. Every HBO show has like a 8 month run in between seasons.

I always have the same problem with HBO shows.. Too much time in between seasons (6 months should be tops or at least give us 18 episodes instead of 8-12 if you are going to make us wait 8 months), and their 30 minute shows are wayyyyy too short. They should expand it to 45 mins. and run the same episode back to back and it will take up the same amount of time as a movie normally does. Or even give us a 30 minute episode instead of a 23 minute episode

So either 1. Make us wait 8 months but give us more episodes. 2. Shorten the wait and keep the same number of episodes. 3. Leave everything the same but gives us more time with the show.

Now with the other shows it looks like it will all be summer..Treme (New Orleans show) starts April 10th and has 10 episodes, 10 weeks takes us to End of June give 2 weeks in between change of programing and Hung is supposed to come back in the Summer (so I say probably Early July) so that is when Eastbound & Down (maybe), & Entourage will be back.. And if that's the case.. How To Make It In America won't be back until Halloween-Thanksgiving Time.
Good episode.. Good season.. Really hoping for a 2nd season... Something about this show and how they out there hustlin everyday that is really motivating...
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Very good episode, happy to see things FINALLY bounce their way. I thought Renee was gonna off Cam though

Son showed a little thuggery when he barked on Renee

SMFH @ Ben still dealing with his ex though.
all of this, especially the last line.
Like the way the season ended, just pissed we're probably gonna have to wait over a whole year to get a season 2. They should pick it up already, i don't know whats taking them so long.
just watched it.. really good episode cant wait for next season..

i thought cam was about to get whacked sopranos style lol
^Me too for a sec, then I was like "nah, they're family" lol and he'd have to explain it to the grandma

but yeah smh @ Ben for getting back to Rach after Julie

Glad to see them finally make some $ for all their efforts though
Good finale.

Cam is following in the footsteps of Rene, but hopefully he gets it done the right way.

Hopefully this is the end of Ben and Rachel relationship.

"Don't trust nobody Donald.. Forreal.. Not even Mickey.."

Loved the part when Rene was humming "Crystal Blue Persuasion" in the car. Latinos love their oldies!
this episode was straight fire! i love how the show ends. like with every episode they find the perfect song to end the show with.

its going to be interesting to see how ben deals with his dual relationship.

I am expecting there to be a 2nd season. Also I expect them to head to Tokyo
Originally Posted by JD161616

Originally Posted by 01heavencent

Season finale!? What? Damn HBO. 8 Episodes? I don't ask for much...just a consistent 30 minute television show that lasts longer than 2 months.

They do that with many pilot seasons. It's nothing new.
Yes they do, but the real question is are they coming back for season 2?

Just got finished watching it. I have to agree it started slow but finished strong.
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