The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

finished paying off my prestige edition only to see my elite catch the red rings
been waiting for xbox to send a shipping label and still hasn't arrived
now I'm wondering if I should cop for ps3 instead
This will be the first time i pick up the same game for each system.. i KNOW the XBOX version will be a better online gaming experience.. but all my peoplehave ps3 .. so i will need to get it for the ps3 too.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

On the real though, I think this game can only disappoint. It's been hyped up so much to the point that any flaw in the game will be > than the pros in
the game. And no, I'm not saying this will be a bad game.

Just like GTA4. Hype kills everything. But, I dont think it will disappoint. The only way that happens if the online isn't as good as CoD4's, and I dont see that happening.

Yeah, man did all that hype kill GTA4. Getting perfect 10s in almost every review from every game website/magazine - I don't know how the game designershaven't committed suicide yet. The GTA4 developers can't really do much about it if you don't like the game personally, but objectively speakingthey made a great game. And GTA4 actually IS considered as a near flawless game almost everywhere except this forum. Personally, I was disappointed as well insome areas - mainly the fact that you weren't free to do nowhere near the outlandish freaky stuff from San Andreas. But in other areas, like the detail ofthe city design, GTA4 exceeded my wildest expectations.

The same will be with MW2. With all the hype it's getting, there is bound to be some people who will be disappointed for whatever reason. You will NEVERfind a sequel of any kind where you won't find some loser complaining about something that the prequel had but the sequel doesn't, right down to thesmallest pathetic little detail. I don't fear that this game won't get great grades from reviewers.. Because the campaign will mainly be the aspect ofthe game that will be judged and I don't doubt for a second that the campaign will be EPIC. The only thing that I fear in MW2 is that it will be an evenbigger camp fest than COD4.
GTA4 wasn't that bad. The story was good and at times it really sucked you in. Very repetitive but the actual story driven missions were top knotch. All ofthe filler missions that were basically the same were supposed to be complimented by the wild characters and excellent voice acting. That didn't do it foreveryone though. I liked the game but at times it was hard for me to keep at it
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

hopefully this leaks soon so i can just burn it. i have a DVD saved just for this

yeah post up when it does leak, i can go cop it from my connect for 5 bucks
Too bad if you try to burn it, it won't work on your modded 360, unless you have the old hitachi DVD drive with iXtreme 1.5.
If you have Samsung, Toshiba, Lite-on or BenQ you're SOL for now, since this game uses Wave 4 video, something that isn't supported with 1.6.
You need to get your xbox 360 reflashed when the iXtreme 1.7 comes out, still not out. Should be here in a few days.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Booz N Shoes213

im thinkin of coppin a 360 cuz of this game

You should get a PS3, so that you wont have to take 2 weeks off in a little while.

It's all love, fanboys.

Why are PS3 fanboys always the ones to fire shots first in these threads?

*waits for the Pakistani guy with the Final Fantasy avatar to write how he has both consoles and that he's not a fanboy but still defend this PS3 fanboy despite the fact that he fired shots first*

Anyway, since you wanted to go there:

The new 360s with Jasper chips have a much lower risk of RROD.

@ wanting to buy a console because of MW2 and that console being PS3.

COD4 rating average on for the 360: 94.17%
COD4 rating average on for the PS3: 93.67%

COD: WAW rating average on for the 360: 85.77%
COD: WAW rating average on for the PS3: 84.58%

The beta of MW2 is on the 360. The downloadable map packs will be available for the 360 before the PS3. The 360 MW2 custom console. The fact that the 360 controller is 10 times better for shooters than the PS3 one. Xbox live parties. Better online community on the 360. Less lag in multiplayer games ON AVERAGE. Don't be mad, oh PS3 fanboy. These are just facts I'm stating. Facts that work for my console, but nonetheless still facts. I could go on. The difference won't be huge, but it will still be enough of a difference to say that the 360 version is THE version to own.
This post needs more violins


son stay [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]BITTER.[/color]
Anybody kno the cheapest place that I cop this game, just in case my money is low near its release
preordered for 360 a few weeks ago. cant wait
i have no clue how ps3 could ever be better than 360 for this game at all.
controllers on 360 fit the shooter genre perfect
online play is 99x better than the ps3's
Originally Posted by Battousai701

Originally Posted by sole vintage

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

The beta of MW2 is on the 360
what are you talking about there was never a beta ?

its called bull****tting

Really, PS3 fanboy?

according to Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling. "We'll do an internal beta, if we feel a public one is needed, we'll explore that route as well."

Let's hear whhat you PS3 fanboy hordes say now..
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

18key wrote:

Booz N Shoes213 wrote:

im thinkin of coppin a 360 cuz of this game

You should get a PS3, so that you wont have to take 2 weeks off in a little while.

It's all love, fanboys.

Why are PS3 fanboys always the ones to fire shots first in these threads?

*waits for the Pakistani guy with the Final Fantasy avatar to write how he has both consoles and that he's not a fanboy but still defend this PS3 fanboy
despite the fact that he fired shots first*

Anyway, since you wanted to go there:

The new 360s with Jasper chips have a much lower risk of RROD.

@ wanting to buy a console because of MW2 and that console being PS3.

COD4 rating average on for the 360: 94.17%

COD4 rating average on for the PS3: 93.67%

COD: WAW rating average on for the 360: 85.77%

COD: WAW rating average on for the PS3: 84.58%

The beta of MW2 is on the 360. The downloadable map packs will be available for the 360 before the PS3. The 360 MW2 custom console. The fact that the 360
controller is 10 times better for shooters than the PS3 one. Xbox live parties. Better online community on the 360. Less lag in multiplayer games ON AVERAGE.
Don't be mad, oh PS3 fanboy. These are just facts I'm stating. Facts that work for my console, but nonetheless still facts. I could go on. The
difference won't be huge, but it will still be enough of a difference to say that the 360 version is THE version to own.
This post needs more violins


son stay [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]BITTER.[/color]

It's good that you are honest to post your feelings as a reply to my fact-filled post. Just let it all out, let it all out.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

according to Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling. "We'll do an internal beta, if we feel a public one is needed, we'll explore that route as well."

Let's hear whhat you PS3 fanboy hordes say now..
are u part of this internal beta?

getting it for both systems ftw!
Originally Posted by Battousai701

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

according to Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling. "We'll do an internal beta, if we feel a public one is needed, we'll explore that route as well."

Let's hear whhat you PS3 fanboy hordes say now..
are u part of this internal beta?

getting it for both systems ftw!

a internal beta iswhen people in the company or a lucky group of their friends get to play the game before every else, and its done in house meaning you have to go to infinity
ward to play it. a public beta wont happen this close to release
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