The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

A lot of people don't know how to use it. Some dude on a team I was playing against earlier today literally got 3 kills with his
How the hell is it hard to use an AC130?

Shoot the big cannon, switch immediately to the smaller bombs, use about 5 rounds or whatever, then switch to the gunner, use the gunner for a second or two, switch back to the big cannon.

Rinse and repeat.

Aiming is a bit trickier, you kinda have to aim a little to the left of what you want to hit.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

anybody subscribed to some person's youtube videos?

smoove is a funny dude, yall should check his videos

I was laughin at the auto tune at the end man... "hah-hah-hahha"
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

anybody subscribed to some person's youtube videos?

smoove is a funny dude, yall should check his videos
I'll find some newbs... There goes newb number #1. 
OrenthalJames wrote:
Real talk though, I know you are dope at this game......but I KNOW you HAVE to be padding your scores my dude. The reason I say this, is because I got some heavy hitters on my friendslist. Like players that win money tourneys and could be considered "pro" and NONE of their scores are even close to yours. Smells a little fishy my dude. But like I said I know you got skills
-The Juice

Nah, no boosting or anything like that. My winstreak/ratio is simply off of playing FFA for the majortity of the time . Even if you lose a FFA match it doesn't count towards your streak so if you only played FFA 24/7 you'd have a huge # aswell. I wanted to hit 300 but my friends always complained about how I never accepted their invites so I gave in eventually.
And I'd average a 30-5 everytime I played FFA so that's how my K/D remains better than the average MW2 player. I can't really have any NTer's vouch for me other than fraji/ShotsRangOut cause he's the only dude I really play with, but I could understand how my stats look fishy.
Originally Posted by its Labrev

OrenthalJames wrote:
Real talk though, I know you are dope at this game......but I KNOW you HAVE to be padding your scores my dude. The reason I say this, is because I got some heavy hitters on my friendslist. Like players that win money tourneys and could be considered "pro" and NONE of their scores are even close to yours. Smells a little fishy my dude. But like I said I know you got skills
-The Juice

Nah, no boosting or anything like that. My winstreak/ratio is simply off of playing FFA for the majortity of the time . Even if you lose a FFA match it doesn't count towards your streak so if you only played FFA 24/7 you'd have a huge # aswell. I wanted to hit 300 but my friends always complained about how I never accepted their invites so I gave in eventually.
And I'd average a 30-5 everytime I played FFA so that's how my K/D remains better than the average MW2 player. I can't really have any NTer's vouch for me other than fraji/ShotsRangOut cause he's the only dude I really play with, but I could understand how my stats look fishy.

Whats your k/d?

Mines currently at 1.93

Whats everyone's k/d as a matter of fact.
^ My K/D is 0.97

Some games I just get trapped by a CG during domination... been on plenty of 7 death streaks before i could shoot the !@*% down.
Originally Posted by Across 110th st

then start using cold blood...

ever been gunned down by one with danger close pro? *%+$ dont even have to hit anywhere NEAR you to kill, and you keep spawnin next to all your teamates w/ out CB.
Originally Posted by So Authentic

"#%% clapper 130.. ha HAA! ha HAAA"

edit: the autotune

yea that had me too

i need to start playin ffa.
thatll be my last lil ditch effort to start likin this game more.
10 Piece Nuggets wrote:
Whats your k/d?
Mines currently at 1.93
Whats everyone's k/d as a matter of fact.

Mines 2.32. One dude who I think is from NT has a 2.70 something, I'm trying to catch up to him.
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