The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

And yet you think you nice.

And the guys you were playing with were terrible if they couldnt get at you in that building.
they were garbage. even when i wasnt using my x31s to my advantage i was still coming out in the top 3. people above me had 1-2 more killsthan i did. but dudes are garbage that play ffa in the middle of the night though
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by nick0lis

honestly, ive learned that playing defensively (some may call it camping) is the best strategy for this game. its not like i camp in a corner, i fortify a building and plant claymores and shoot dudes through the windows. people are too stupid to team up and come get me at the same time so i just keep picking em off one by one. im just playing off others' weaknesses thats all.

Yes it is camping, not playing defensively, numb nuts. Obviously you have a deficiency in actually searching for kills. Might as well just give up your left thumbstick if that's all you do.

It's not even necessary to team up against suckers like you. I once ran through a building, destroyed the claymore, guy still didn't figure it out and I took my time shooting him in the head. Another time I found a tactical insertion, and rather than destroying it, I shot him and walked out three consecutive times before destroying his tactical insertion. So who's the stupid one here?

If all you do is camp and have less than a 5.0 k/d with 4000+ kills, then you really suck.
what does that paragraph have to do with me
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by nick0lis

honestly, ive learned that playing defensively (some may call it camping) is the best strategy for this game. its not like i camp in a corner, i fortify a building and plant claymores and shoot dudes through the windows. people are too stupid to team up and come get me at the same time so i just keep picking em off one by one. im just playing off others' weaknesses thats all.
i did this in skidrow in that building in the back by A. setup a claymore by the steps and was basically picking dudes off. i came down a couple times to resupply (scavenger pro) and to steal this dudes pavelow
i got a pedrator and harrier, got shot. then got another predrator. so i had 2 back to back predrators with a harrier at my disposal. i did the samething in favela in that construction building. set up claymores on both entrances. and basically just picked off dudes. went 30-8 in ffa
this is the exact building i was talking about

for real though, even if your claymore doesnt kill em, its still a good alarm.
Damn...I wanna ask for tips on this %$$% but I feel so behind just reading these posts.
The only camping that makes me mad is in FFA. But any other game is fair since they are team games. I mean if dude is camping team up an get him. No big deal.And in games like domination or demo you gotta defend so you pretty much gotta camp out.
Camping to me is dudes sitting in corners or looking down stairwells with SHOTGUNS.

Holding an area(s) down isn't always camping, especially in domination.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Camping to me is dudes sitting in corners or looking down stairwells with SHOTGUNS.

Holding an area(s) down isn't always camping, especially in domination.

EVERY FPS supports camping, thats why they give you snipers!! So its cool for a guy to use an Intervention topick people off, but if he uses an ACR its camping? Camping is a real life tactic.

Seriously people need to stop complaining or STOP PLAYING. You all sound like a group of salty %*%*%es to be honest. Learn how to out flank and camping wont bea problem. Instead you all keep running into the campers line of sight like dummies?

"U mad?"
No, but you suck @**% at this game so you have to complain. Break your disc, and play another game cause MW2 isn't cutting it.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Camping to me is dudes sitting in corners or looking down stairwells with SHOTGUNS.

Holding an area(s) down isn't always camping, especially in domination.

EVERY FPS supports camping, thats why they give you snipers!! So its cool for a guy to use an Intervention to pick people off, but if he uses an ACR its camping? Camping is a real life tactic.

Seriously people need to stop complaining or STOP PLAYING. You all sound like a group of salty %*%*%es to be honest. Learn how to out flank and camping wont be a problem. Instead you all keep running into the campers line of sight like dummies?

"U mad?"
No, but you suck @**% at this game so you have to complain. Break your disc, and play another game cause MW2 isn't cutting it.

-The Juice
co $##$@#% sign.
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Camping to me is dudes sitting in corners or looking down stairwells with SHOTGUNS.

Holding an area(s) down isn't always camping, especially in domination.

EVERY FPS supports camping, thats why they give you snipers!! So its cool for a guy to use an Intervention to pick people off, but if he uses an ACR its camping? Camping is a real life tactic.

Seriously people need to stop complaining or STOP PLAYING. You all sound like a group of salty %*%*%es to be honest. Learn how to out flank and camping wont be a problem. Instead you all keep running into the campers line of sight like dummies?

"U mad?"
No, but you suck @**% at this game so you have to complain. Break your disc, and play another game cause MW2 isn't cutting it.

-The Juice
co $##$@#% sign.
%+@+ was like poetry.

Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by nick0lis

honestly, ive learned that playing defensively (some may call it camping) is the best strategy for this game. its not like i camp in a corner, i fortify a building and plant claymores and shoot dudes through the windows. people are too stupid to team up and come get me at the same time so i just keep picking em off one by one. im just playing off others' weaknesses thats all.
i did this in skidrow in that building in the back by A. setup a claymore by the steps and was basically picking dudes off. i came down a couple times to resupply (scavenger pro) and to steal this dudes pavelow
i got a pedrator and harrier, got shot. then got another predrator. so i had 2 back to back predrators with a harrier at my disposal. i did the samething in favela in that construction building. set up claymores on both entrances. and basically just picked off dudes. went 30-8 in ffa

Anyone know where to go to compare how long you and friends been playing the game. I remember comparing how many days and hours they been playing. Beenlooking everywhere and all I find is accomplishments in the compare games section. Thanks.
Originally Posted by agold1002

atleast i was consistant with all the spellings.

to find the days played i believe you have to look in the amount of kills you have or one of those barracks and it should tell you time played
Do you guys know if in the glitched maps where you run super fast it counts towards miles ran for marathon+lightweight?
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