The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Attack on Titan is so fire, my first Anime I have ever watched, binging now :pimp:

Any recs to hit next if this is right up my lane?

If you're binging AOT I recommend you get some anti depressants :lol:

thats hard cause AOT is peak so mediocre animes that are popular wont be good (like JJK)

But check out Berserk 1997 anime next. thats peak x2.

its only 1 season/prologue but still worth the watch.

Just started JJK. **** is dope.

I think if you go into watching shows with little to no expectations it helps a lot.
If you're binging AOT I recommend you get some anti depressants :lol:

Just started JJK. **** is dope.

I think if you go into watching shows with little to no expectations it helps a lot.
if he started watching animes this late, I believe he has no expectations at all.
Watching live action OP for the first time right now.

Spoilers ahead

I like it but some trash decisions. Just off rip, they gave Garp a trash personality to start. Supervising the death of Roger? His entire speech. This is not Garp.

Shanks casting :smh:

Who decided to make Lucky Roux a black guy? :lol: Also I will not believe that old over the hill guy is Ben Beckman. This reminds me of them early chapters when Oda didn't have everybody's designs on point so Marco looked like a completely trash background character.

AYO @ what Luffy just put down his throat.
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Who is this ***** playing Buggy?

Son is acting his *** off for no reason. Does son think he's in a new Batman series playing the Joker?

Ohhh this the ***** from Agents of Shield :lol:

Attack on Titan is so fire, my first Anime I have ever watched, binging now :pimp:

Any recs to hit next if this is right up my lane?
If you thought that was fire then you can only got up from here.

Read/watch Monster, 20th Century Boys, Death Note,
Just finished up the One Piece Live Action
I think it was a solid show, not amazing, but not bad. Definitely had it's ups and downs. I do wonder how I would view this show if I hadn't experienced the source material. I think they made some interesting choices that worked out really well and some that didn't. It succeeding in not being a 1:1 adaption while capturing the uniqueness of one piece, but also having it's own vibe. I think it really could have benefited from 2 more episodes to slow down, build a bit more, and let some bigger moments have time to land and settle.

The bad:
  • I didn't care for their Garp portrayal or the need to incorporate him so much. I get adding an extra marine chase element upped the stakes, but it failed to create any real additional tension. I think a potential option could have been using Garp picking up Koby, getting wind of Luffy, and then maybe calling Fullbody or Smoker.
  • I know Oda oversaw and approved changes, but I think this is classic Oda, he has very limited care for characters that aren't either main characters or his favorites and gives a lot of leeway there. Which is why he probably didn't care about who they cast as Benn Beckman or I assume didn't fight the Garp changes.
  • Roger and his speech needed way more presence and weight. I think that's an issue throughout this adaptation. The emotional moments don't have weight, don't have time to breathe as they quickly move to the next scene, and just don't really hit to add depth.
  • Zoro's flashback, I don't think the acting was good at all here and lacked emotion completely. Felt extremely flat.
  • Luffy's action sequences were not good IMO. He did not come off as powerful, Inaki when doing the choreography for attacks did not get his body into the hits to aide the CGI of the stretches. It'd just be stretching limb but he'd look stiff. I think a small change here would have gone a long way of making his hits feel heavier and making his action feel more dynamic. Really just Luffy's action doesn't do enough to make him feel strong at all.
  • Episode 4 drags. I guess Syrup village is hard to do in any medium, but could have refocused some things like taking out Coby and Helmeppo from the arc and giving Ussop (I think his actor and portrayal is really good and this is from someone who doesn't care for Ussop) more time to shine. He feels like an afterthought in his own arc.
  • Mihawk and Zoro fight was not bad, but I think it needed just more time to breathe as a focal point.
  • Not sure why they got rid of Hachi

The Good:
  • The main cast is good. Again to the presence and weight issues I think Shanks' presence was lacking but overall main characters were really good. I think this is my favorite version of Ussop, I think Sanji was really well done, Buggy was great, Nami was really good and her "Help Me" scene worked. I think the weakest link in the main cast may actually be Luffy and I think that's mainly because Luffy is a hard character to do justice. I think it comes back to maybe not feeling super fluid but that might be his limitations as an actor.
  • Set pieces and design are great. Locations looked great, I think Baratie was enhanced with the bar and lighthouse and multiple levels, Syrup village being a shipping city was cool, the marine base in shells town felt right. Arlong Park having more theme park vibes was good. I think a nice addition from the manga or anime would be having extras around to make place feel lively when the main cast is around
  • I think the change of having Syrup Village take place in the mansion was much better and made the arc more interesting, but I think they could have utilized Ussop more (maybe by including Jango as one of the staff members) and Luffy vs Kuro was underwhelming
  • Zoro fight choreography was great. Sanji's was too, so wish he got more moments
  • Zeff was great, reinforcing the passing to a new generation theme
  • I really like having the bounty posters pop up when characters are introduced, small flourishes like that and the unique character centric logos in each episode went a long way
  • I like Mihawk and his extended introduction
  • Cover pages used for more variety in outfits was a good choice
  • I think overall it catches the vibe of the series and the world of One Piece and I think it does a good job of being its own thing
Whats the point of more Coby just for him to continue to be so lame and ineffective.

I never liked the Syrup village arc or Usopp at that time but they managed to make it worse. No Usopp pirates, no Jango, no Black Cat pirates.

Also it seems no matter what, Kuro's plan is still dumb as ****. Like it makes no sense even in this medium.

Almost makes me want to stop watching.

No audience for the Mihawk vs. Zoro fight, no Johnny or Yosaku. Sanji didn't even get to witness Zoro risk his life for his dream. Whole thing just fell flat. No emotional weight to the loss or vow.
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green bull teaser in the new OP anime opening.

all this hype to get hit with bluetooth haki 💀
Zeff actor was perfect.



The guy who plays arlong was the fbi dude from ozark. I knew his voice sounded familiar
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still watching Netflix' One Piece. boy I thought I was about to like Usopp's character then they brought him back down true to the anime's annoying character which I hated a lot. I appreciate the effort they put thru to stay true to the character but I would have find it more enjoyable if they made that change.
still watching Netflix' One Piece. boy I thought I was about to like Usopp's character then they brought him back down true to the anime's annoying character which I hated a lot. I appreciate the effort they put thru to stay true to the character but I would have find it more enjoyable if they made that change.

I honestly felt like they toned him down enough to be likable and more charismatic. One of my favorite scenes was him getting drunk on the baratie.

I think one of the best things they did was tone things down enough to really make the series easy to consume and digest without getting overly annoying.
I just can't unsee it. I mean looking at the actress portraying Alvida, I always see Horatio Sanz.


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Struggling to get through OP live action. On ep 6 now. Well I started it last time I posted in here, got half way through and now I'm finishing it.

The writers and the directors of these eps just suck it making these emotional scenes land.

I don't mind changes but some of these choices are caca. That 1st mate speech by Zoro, Sanji's whole leaving Baratie and joining the crew fell flat.

Why do all these fishermen look like trash monsters? Seriously. The actor for Arlong is good but not really for Arlong the character. He's playing it like he's playing a klingon.

They got all those extras for the Arlong pirates but couldn't get it for Kuro's crew? Or a proper fight @ Baratie against Mihawk and then against Luffy and Sanji?
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