The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

If you haven't started watching parasyte yet, don't bother. Just wait 5-6 more weeks until the series is over and then binge, unless you're a masochist and enjoy the torture of waiting.
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Just read the first chapter of the Parasyte manga just because ya'll be talking about it so much

So far I'm somehow reminded of AOT and Uzumaki
What is that parasite show about? And what would Yall compare it to? Lot of action? Cool characters and powers?
Parasyte is a weird show to me because I know what's about and I don't at the same time. Like the show imo has no direction.

That's not to say that people shouldn't enjoy it. But I don't see any point to it besides just something to watch.
Yeah I've seen that forneverworld reviews it and from the pic stills it looks like some AOT gory type ****...
I've been rereading Vagabond. Every time I read it, the art always impresses me and the story is always solid, and even tho I know Matahachi is the worst, he still pisses me off every time, kinda like Rachel in Tower of God, but not as bad. The 2nd time through I'm appreciating the Kojiro section a lot more. Gonna read 20th century boys and 21st century boys next since I heard those was good. 
:x :x these cliffhangers in Parasyte

Every. Damn. Time :lol:

I have no idea where this is headed but I know I'm going to live every second of it.

Seven Deadly Sins is getting really good too. Can't wait until the anime is done so I can get into the manga. For both of these series actually.
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Happened to come across a mention of it the other day and i've now started Your Lie In April. The music, animation, and colors had me hooked from the start.:smokin
Every. Damn. Time :lol:

I have no idea where this is headed but I know I'm going to live every second of it.

Seven Deadly Sins is getting really good too. Can't wait until the anime is done so I can get into the manga. For both of these series actually.

the next ep is gonna be goooood :x rip cops

7 Sins is awesome! :smokin
Ima start towr of god monday. I trust leb13 and 2 sappy the most when it comes to recommendations.

Iyen also but he overloads me on stuff to watch lol
I see you Kubo..

All this ish is becoming too predictable in Bleach..
Troll game strong[emoji]128516[/emoji]
One Piece
Oda's been heavy handed with the Scarlett, Rebecca, Kyros stuff.
Pica coming through to tell Diamante he's pathetic, especially after the outcry from last week was nice.

Since it's Zoro Oda decided to raise the difficulty of the fight I guess. I'm excited to see what he'll do next week. The mangastream translation has way too many colloquialisms that the dialogue feels unnatural, but it is clearer than the mangapanda translations.

I know all these fights are happening simultaneously and ending in quick succession, but it feels like Luffy's spent to much time on Bellamy and that Doffy should have finished off Law during this time. 

This was a pretty good chapter as it builds anticipation for next week. 
Predictable Bleach chapter but otherwise okay since we're finally gonna see Aizen again and we figured out the nature of Ukitake's illness

Trash One Piece chapter with little plot progression. Zoro will be Badass (TM), take out Pica in one shot, and then we'll finally get to Luffy vs Doflamingo, which I have no faith in anyway. This arc has absolutely no tension at all anymore.

Been tryna get yall to hop on Toriko but yall don't hear me tho...
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Ima start towr of god monday. I trust leb13 and 2 sappy the most when it comes to recommendations.

Iyen also but he overloads me on stuff to watch lol
You won't be disappointed.
I see you Kubo..

All this ish is becoming too predictable in Bleach..
Troll game strong[emoji]128516[/emoji]
A. How the **** spirits get cancer?

B. How the **** they got all this magic and advanced tech in soul society and can't cure cancer?

C. Why do I keep reading this?
I stopped just to start again

My boy is about to unleash that new move
When son put the bandana on


We about to witness greatness yall
Read OP again since I was half-asleep the first time. This chapter/arc is seriously Fairy Tail Magic Tournament level trash 

Doffy needs to get himself a new crew. His crew is trash or it might just be Oda's God-awful portrayal of them.

Zoro running around aimlessly for about 6 pages? AGAIN?!?!

Zoro slashed Pica literally 20 chapters ago and since those 24+weeks (counting breaks), absolutely not a cot damn thing has happened by way of the development of their fight! And now Oda just throws in LOL LOOK KIDS ZORO IS GONNA BE BADASS AGAIN AND SLICE HIM DOWN IN ONE HIT and that ish supposed to be cool?

Oda: Look, kids! Zoro! He's about as 2-dimensional as characters get nowadays, but SO COOL!

Diamante who was just a couple months ago so confident about being in the ring with Burgess, Bartolomeo, and Luffy (Sabo) is done in in one hit by ******* Kyros? LOL this **** is ridic right now. Diamante who was hyped up as Doflamingo's right hand man, a genius? Reduced to blathering cowardice and shooting Kyros in the leg with a pistol on some East Blue villain **** 

Panels of fodder being thrown around by Pica?

Dialogue nobody cares about from characters nobody cares about?! What's that? Several executives have been defeated? From a storytelling perspective, don't we ******* know this already?

FUJITORA is the lamest character introduced in post time skip. This dude is supposedly an admiral? Every other time Oda introduces an admiral into an arc, the Strawhats are nearly annihilated or major characters were killed, or some otherwise crazy ish goes down. Pirates are running amok, people are killing each other in the streets, and Fujitora stands around with the same damn facial expression talmbout some "let's wait". Worst admiral ever. Hell if I were a civilian on Dressrossa I'd rather AKAINU crazy ahh be around for this madness as opposed to Fujitora.

80 chapters of pure disappointment. Not even a proper battle all arc, just a lot of jumping around and one hit KOs. I can't wait until this is animated yo. Toei will have a field day with this crap. I'm talking episodes that comprise of four pages at the most.

One Piece is trash right now. One Piece fell off hardbody. I'm done yo. I'm done with this manga for like a solid two months. I'm about to pick up Fairy Tail again.

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Happened to come across a mention of it the other day and i've now started Your Lie In April. The music, animation, and colors had me hooked from the start.:smokin

New episode later today :pimp:

Good stuff :smokin On episode 3 now.

Let me say, anime is great for the ability to distance yourself from the real world, and to immerse yourself within the story. Yet sometimes I still can't help but compare the show and what happens in it to a more realistic world. Like if some girl was harrassing me, trying to force me to do something I didn't wanna do, physically harming me because I wasn't doing what she wanted to do, and then broke into my house i'd have her arrested with the quickness. :lol:
Kingdom is just a dramatic *** ___ :lol:

Good stuff :smokin On episode 3 now.

Let me say, anime is great for the ability to distance yourself from the real world, and to immerse yourself within the story. Yet sometimes I still can't help but compare the show and what happens in it to a more realistic world. Like if some girl was harrassing me, trying to force me to do something I didn't wanna do, physically harming me because I wasn't doing what she wanted to do, and then broke into my house i'd have her arrested with the quickness. :lol:

I get annoyed by how often main characters get pushed around too. Definitely couldn't be me either :lol:

New episode was great, as usual. Have fun binge watching this masterpiece.
This steady influx of plot in Nisekoi is great. keeping the usual lulz while advancing the story along. :lol:
I am eagerly awaiting the next few chapters. :lol:
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