The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

i listening to some black metal, while reading Death Note 
:rofl: :rofl:
So is this god thing gonna be permanent now? :lol:
Also, damn Fuji. With all the bad stuff goin down all around him, he still decides to go after the alliance. Homie needs to open his eyes and see the true evil in front of him.
:rofl: :rofl:
So is this god thing gonna be permanent now? :lol:
Also, damn Fuji. With all the bad stuff goin down all around him, he still decides to go after the alliance. Homie needs to open his eyes and see the true evil in front of him.

No pun intended right? Lol
Just got back from Japan for Golden week,
the Arcades are so sick. and that Gundam vs. game is still the most popular . you have to sign up to get a turn to play it's so much fun though. One piece is still #1 seller out there. but everyone loves AoT. they got little 7 11 sponsored stuff out there. cant wait to go back in august.
None at all. :lol: :wink:

Bleach is out now.
I swear, if Yachiru died off screen, or if dude imagined her out of existence, I am gonna flip out. :smh:
I will be in tears if that spoiler happens...
So that Quincy was just "Kranng"..
One Piece
It was a nice set up chapter. It definitely brought the laughs with Bartolomeo like always. They need to either go ahead and let him join or bring his crew under their flag just like he wants. That's his dream anyway.
The "God Ussop" thing is getting outta hand, but I guess it stops everyone from going straight for Luffy.

Law's plans getting all messed up, but at least he realizes he can't stop Luffy. Glad Franky seems to be back in action, maybe he had some cola hidden.

Kyros is an idiot running off by himself. I also wonder what the dwarves are gonna do the rest of the arc. We still haven't seen their princess.

So, in a previous chapter we save a silhouette for Kanjuro, but in the volume Oda decided to redesign the character and put a mask and stuff on him, so Im even more interested in him now.

I think Akainu told Fuji to make Luffy the #1 priority so until he gets in touch with him to get new orders he won't deviate, especially since he's a new marine. He was a civilian until the military draft then he came in and put at admiral right away, so he doesn't have experience to change from the fleet admiral's orders. This might change tho, since he now can't call Akainu and will be forced into a position to make all decisions without consultation. 

I really hope the fights start up next chapter.

I just thought about this, if Kaido's rage is directed at Luffy after this arc, and Big mom already claimed them as her prey, would Kaido and Big Mom clash for the right to go after Luffy, or would that be too much? Because if they clashed Luffy and Law could come in and take down Kaido and the Kidd, Apoo, Hawkins Alliance could take down Big Mom.
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