They'll look at stock x prices and think it's gonna set the market, lol. Not enough business acumen out there in resell land.
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If it was a Patta only drop then that would be an issue…Since it seems like they’ll be dropping elsewhere I don’t expect them to go crazy…OG Huf’s weren’t exactly cheap on the aftermarket either and two of the colorways were about as rare as it gets by being literal samples…

plansb plansb The Linen AF1’s are a very good comparison…Never thought I’d be able to get those for retail when they were announced…Now I’m kicking myself for not putting out some lowball offers on the resell apps to try and pull them at a discount :lol:…The OG’s for both pairs are unobtainable on the aftermarket because of the absurd asking prices…Very apt comparison…

People really are moving off Nike’s jock like crazy…Good for those of us who are actually here for the shoes…
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