Not just that. The next reseller is going to think they should sell there pair $950+
Not just that that, whats stopping them from buying them at 686 bucks, then selling them themselves being as they have control of their own market and can artificially inflate the value?
sold a pair of air maxes on eBay yesterday and they charged $50 for promoting the listing. I had no idea that I opted to do that and they would charge me for it. I had the only size 13 listed so I definitely didn't need to promote it. Think Customer service would give me any kind of discount?
Pretty sure the answer is no, but will there be a US release on leopard print? Just looking for confirmation before I pull the trigger on resale.
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It's crazy how hype on these kinda fell flat after release. Pre release I was thinking this would be a shoe of the year contender for 2022.

I still love my pair but I think once people got them in hand we realized how limited the wearability is on these.

couldn’t agree more. love the far outs, still my fave of the pack. and at the same time, any time i step out with them the rest of my fit is definitely on the more muted side
Hey guys I haven’t bought any am1s in a while. Curious about how current sizing is. Planning on getting the Urawa 2.0s. I was a size 10 in anniversary pairs and 10.5 in general release pairs usually from a few years back. Any idea if I should go for 10 or 10.5?
Nike is trash for not releasing these in the U.S.
Relax guy, it doesn’t make Nike trash, on the flipside we get so many pairs that other regions don’t get. These are going for under retail so it’s not like they can’t be had…🙄
Shimas the other night the take the fam to the zoo lights and kasinas today

1.).....I'm mad that I never thought to rock Christmas lights to avoid doing the quintessential, OD Christmas fit at the holiday activities. This move will likely be swiped 😂...thank you and you will receive credit 🫡

2.).....with all the wacky things we've seen in fashion recently I wouldn't be surprised if Margiela or Balenciaga or some other fashion house made a $10k "piece" that those in that crowd would go ape sh#t over 😂. Mark my words. If ain't happened already it will
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