Damn I got screwed. I had them in my cart and was checking out then the whole thing blew up on me :smh:. PayPal and Shop App did me so dirty just now. Very pissed. Now I can’t go back to sleep.

I just used cc. I feel that using those slow you down.
I didn’t hit. Took me forever to find the password. Where was it posted?

It was posted in this thread but that would’ve been the least of your problems had you got through because I was at checking out well before they sold out and got royally ****** with payment loop errors.
Waited in line to get this... smh... capcha wouldn't work finally did and got a big fat L... par for the course smh
Got through!! Had to keep refreshing shipping and payment info, eventually saw notification I was charged. Then confirmation email came in, my order number is in the 4 digits.

Hoping my order comes in the special box though
Props to whoever mentioned hCaptcha earlier today. After some googling, found out you can sign up as an accessibility user which gives you a cookie that lets you bypass solving anything. I never saw a question or password, no drawing cats, nothing. Just clicked the “are you human box” and off it went. Came in clutch.

Here’s where I signed up Hope it helps some of you with future drops

Edit: found the earlier post, thanks L les_diabolique for you very handy nugget of info
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