You sure ? The IG didn't post
I know but their other stores are so I assume they are. I can text the GM in an hour or so to check if you want me to. Too early now. Social Status has them too and the same guy owns SS and APB.
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Social status stock manager is my guy he told me they didn't allot stock for apb only SS locations and 1 size run
He's wrong. I've literally had them in hand at APB. Red and Royals. I can't say for sure that Columbia is getting but I know for a fact that another APB is.
Is Canada getting them later ? I haven't seen any thing from any store in Montreal
I highly believe this is apart of the Nike scheme plan they always thirsty is everyone right now? Guarantee these are back at the end of the month
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My Point Is, You're Acting Like You're Atop Some High Horse And Others Here Aren't Worthy Of Your Help, But Really In The Grand Scheme Of Things, You're Just A Greenhorn Here Yourself My Dude :wink:

No Need For The "They Ain't Worthy Of Help" Posts :rolleyes
Not saying someone isn't worthy, just saying I'm not ooping someone I've never seen post itt. That's all. I literally got up and out of bed to be here at 7am in the cold bc 3 regulars itt asked for help. I know those dudes want them to rock them so I'll do whatever I can to help.
I highly believe this is apart of the Nike scheme plan they always thirsty is everyone right now? Guarantee these are back at the end of the month

This Is What I Too Would Like To Believe.

Seems Like These Always Drop With The Perception Of Being Limited And Then Shortly After The Market Floods With Em For A Short Time Until Stock Dries Up.

The Last Release Wasn't Tough To Double On At All :nerd:
Who knows I'll check with dude
I'll text CJ at the Columbia store in an hour to see what's up there. I doubt they have much of a line (still not a soul other than me at my location) so someone would still have time to head up there.
I highly believe this is apart of the Nike scheme plan they always thirsty is everyone right now? Guarantee these are back at the end of the month
Makes sense, they restocked the banned AJ1s on the anniversary date, could see the same thing happening on the 26th. 
Not saying someone isn't worthy, just saying I'm not ooping someone I've never seen post itt. That's all. I literally got up and out of bed to be here at 7am in the cold bc 3 regulars itt asked for help. I know those dudes want them to rock them so I'll do whatever I can to help.

Repped And Respect For The Dedication And Willingness To Help Others :nthat:

All I'm Saying Is If You're Not Looking To Ooop Others Here Because You're Skeptical That's Fine But Using The Term "Regular" By Someone Whose Barely Been A Part Of The Community For A Year Is A Bit Offputting :wink:

You Probabky Haven't Seen Myself Post In Your Year Posting Here, Nor Would Consider Me A Regular But I Assure You Have Been A "Regular" Wearer Of This Shoe For A Loooong Time Now. :wink:

Let's Be Honest, Nike Hasn't Exactly Been Knocking The Door Down With Hot AM1 Releases As Late :lol:
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I need that sz.10...since no one is willing to ask, what is "oop"?

Repped And Respect For The Dedication And Willingness To Help Others :nthat:

All I'm Saying Is If You're Not Looking To Ooop Others Here Because You're Skeptical That's Fine But Using The Term "Regular" By Someone Whose Barely Been A Part Of The Community For A Year Is A Bit Offputting :wink:

You Probabky Haven't Seen Myself Post In Your Year Posting Here, Nor Would Consider Me A Regular But I Assure You Have Been A "Regular" Wearer Of This Shoe For A Loooong Time Now. :wink:

Let's Be Honest, Nike Hasn't Exactly Been Knocking The Door Down With Hot AM1 Releases As Late :lol:
I feel you. What I meant by regular is the small group of guys that are itt daily. I've leared a ton from those guys in the last year. Least I can do is try to pay them back with an assist today.
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