Hangin With My Kids
Am1 are Just narrow in general, am90 are normal fit. This is what u can easily see from outside. Currys where super snug but the treelines are also too narrow. I actually sold Them and since im a Size 13, i cant go a half Size up. The perf Grey's are very Nice but i owned two pairs and both had a really ugly toebox when wearing Them, so i had to sell Them also.
The 2017 anni fit well on me and also the crêpe obsidian are okay for me.

please be more carefull when u say tts, because IT just depends on your feet beign wide OR not. IT saves me alot of Trouble. The pattas i dont own unfortunatly.. and im praying the upcoming hemp crepes Will have a roomy fit🤞
I think my TTS is a 13.5, but those are damn near impossible to get so I wear a 13 without insoles in most my shoes. Size 14's in most shoes are just too big.
Speaking of sizing... I remember when I used to work at Footlocker. There was a guy that came in and asked for a size 11 of a shoe. I brought it out and he claimed they were too small. He had kind of a wide foot but he clearly was not an 11 and then asked for a 12. I brought it out and and he still thought it was too small and wanted a bigger size. At that point, I was just annoyed and proceeded to measure his foot. Dude was a size 7 in length and prob a EE in width. I told him that if the shoe is narrow, sizing up 5 sizes isn't going to make it worth. He got offended and walked out. I know some people that will never size down in shoes. Prob hurts their ego.

That's a good story.

Lemme axe you this: would his shoes look like clown kicks if he stuck with the size 11's or is his true size 7 more proportionate to his frame?

He must be one of those munchkins that assumes women correlate shoe size with endowment factor (which isn't true by any means; for instance, i'm five foot twelve, 220 and quite frankly, haven't had much change since elementary school).

*pulls out tweezers and magnifying glass*

Was just being facetious about the latter half of my comment (or was I?), But ultimately what one is saying is, ego = overrated.

Beautiful weather out here in NYC. My experiment was trying some grey oval laces but they just didn't sit on them well. So took my extra white laces from the Second pack of Undfted 5 on It Blue Dunks. Just makes then look much cleaner.

That suede toe box! :pimp: Can’t wait to see it on my own pair

Just Catching Up On The Last Couple Pages….

Did Homie Really Try And Say ALL AM1s Since 2017 (Essentially The Last 5 Years) Fit The Exact Same?

Done Heard It All Now :rofl:
Bro if you disagree that’s fine. All my AM1s are a size 10 with no problems. So yes IMO AM1s going back to at least 2017 fit TTS in my experience. You guys want to bounce back and fourth between sizes for every release then have at it. You don’t believe AM1 fit TTS? Then good for you sir.
Bro if you disagree that’s fine. All my AM1s are a size 10 with no problems. So yes IMO AM1s going back to at least 2017 fit TTS in my experience. You guys want to bounce back and fourth between sizes for every release then have at it. You don’t believe AM1 fit TTS? Then good for you sir.
Cool, that's your experience. But you're out of your mind if you think annys, SW, Curry Pack, and spring 2018 pack all fit the same. Either you don't own many am1 or you don't pay the slightest bit of attention to how they feel on your foot. am1 have different shapes and fit depending on what factory they come from. Saying all am1 fit the same is just wrong. Period. Don’t give bad information.
Cool, that's your experience. But you're out of your mind if you think annys, SW, Curry Pack, and spring 2018 pack all fit the same. Either you don't own many am1 or you don't pay the slightest bit of attention to how they feel on your foot. am1 have different shapes and fit depending on what factory they come from. Saying all am1 fit the same is just wrong. Period. Don’t give bad information.
Let's do(not me... but you guys) a battle of AM1 collections lmao.
Bro if you disagree that’s fine. All my AM1s are a size 10 with no problems. So yes IMO AM1s going back to at least 2017 fit TTS in my experience. You guys want to bounce back and fourth between sizes for every release then have at it. You don’t believe AM1 fit TTS? Then good for you sir.
Yea I think but you can correct me if I'm wrong.... you were speaking posts ago as if it was factual that they all fit the same... you shoulda just said I keep all my AM1 all the same size.
Cool, that's your experience. But you're out of your mind if you think annys, SW, Curry Pack, and spring 2018 pack all fit the same. Either you don't own many am1 or you don't pay the slightest bit of attention to how they feel on your foot. am1 have different shapes and fit depending on what factory they come from. Saying all am1 fit the same is just wrong. Period. Don’t give bad information.
Had to go back and read my comments. I never said that they all fit the same (dudes want to come on here twisting my words) I said they all fit TTS in general and any deviation from that is just personal preference. You keep bringing up the damn SW like that’s a typical AM1 and it isn’t. Makes me believe you’re just talking s*** to try to win an argument. I already acknowledged the Curry pack as snug but still wearable at TTS.

Let me ask you this sir, if they all fit different (which is what you seem to be arguing) can you explain why you said yesterday on here that you go .5 size down on ALL of your AM1s? If they all fit different like you said, why do you get the same size in all of them? Can you answer that smarty pants?
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So would next week probably be the best time to pay resale for the kasinas? Or whenever we start seeing in hand pics here?
All AM1s going back to at least 2017 fit TTS. No reason to believe Kasinas would fit any different. They’re TTS.
Had to go back and read my comments. I never said that they all fit the same (dudes want to come on here twisting my words) I said they all fit TTS in general and any deviation from that is just personal preference. You keep bringing up the damn SW like that’s a typical AM1 and it isn’t. Makes me believe you’re just talking s*** to try to win an argument. I already acknowledged the Curry pack as snug but still wearable at TTS.

Let me ask you this sir, if they all fit different (which is what you seem to be arguing) can you explain why you said yesterday on here that you go .5 size down on ALL of your AM1s? If they all fit different like you said, why do you get the same size in all of them? Can you answer that smarty pants?
They don't all fit TTS. There are exceptions. Idk why you can't admit that. Comparing an anny, curry pack, and spring 2018 pack is laughable. They aren't close. Annys are narrow. Spring 2018 were wide. Curry were short and not wearable for a lot of people. Everybody's foot is different so some people bounce between sizes even on the same silo. You don't, that's cool, but scoffing at people asking about sizing bc they do is dumb.
So would next week probably be the best time to pay resale for the kasinas? Or whenever we start seeing in hand pics here?
It's a wait and see game. There was a raffle this morning on Notre - so there may be some other raffles as well before the June 30th EU release.
Cool, that's your experience. But you're out of your mind if you think annys, SW, Curry Pack, and spring 2018 pack all fit the same. Either you don't own many am1 or you don't pay the slightest bit of attention to how they feel on your foot. am1 have different shapes and fit depending on what factory they come from. Saying all am1 fit the same is just wrong. Period. Don’t give bad information.

That may be true, but we're talking a matter of centimeters here. And arguing about it for 5 pages.

Listen guys, AM1s are a relatively long and narrow shoe, always have been, always will be. Depending on how your feet are setup you may feel you either gonna need em wider, in which case you're gonna have extra length. Or you're gonna need more length and deal with more width.

Like, this is really not complicated. Definitely doesn't warrant all this back and forth and clutter in this thread. No one is gonna be able to tell whats gonna be right for any given person. **** is absurd at this point. We need an AM1 sizing thread apparently cause half the people in here dont know what size they wear and want to try a different one out every release.
I'd say the key is when someone does ask for help on sizing that the person asking for help also includes a reference point to how a common shoe fits and also describes their particular foot. I.E., Anniversaries fit me perfect in a size 9, but I do also have slightly narrower feet than the norm. What annoys me personally, is people that come and say, "how do these fit." I think that's super hard to answer since it will vary from foot to foot! Also, at what point does this thread go back to #ShippingTalk ? I'm guessing by sometime tomorrow or later today?
That may be true, but we're talking a matter of centimeters here. And arguing about it for 5 pages.

Listen guys, AM1s are a relatively long and narrow shoe, always have been, always will be. Depending on how your feet are setup you may feel you either gonna need em wider, in which case you're gonna have extra length. Or you're gonna need more length and deal with more width.

Like, this is really not complicated. Definitely doesn't warrant all this back and forth and clutter in this thread. No one is gonna be able to tell whats gonna be right for any given person. **** is absurd at this point. We need an AM1 sizing thread apparently cause half the people in here dont know what size they wear and want to try a different one out every release.
Nahhh that's not the point. Remember we are at times here where you cant try on these kicks so of course if you gonna go the resell route you want to know what size you gonna pursue. The ease of getting the right size rather than getting a size and having to look for a trade for the right size.

For me just in general. If ain't my Kobes that I wear casual so they don't break in... I ain't getting these other kicks and my feet are uncomfortable at any point of the wear especially as I get older. Mind you... I'll be 37 next month
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