White upper doesn’t look so bad. Think I might just pull on some blue voids with white or gray upper and abandoned the hunt for obsidians. Prices are way too high and climbing. Ids will hold me over until something closer comes along or a release.

do white, not gray, trust me I did both making a wannabe obsidian and white is WAY better
Obsidian jawns
I'm so sad I didn't pick these up when they were only around $200
IDs came in , not bad for beaters plus I had 20% on gift cards

okay, can someone else confirm that Nike fixed the shape on those ID options we are punished for almost 2 years now?
They look good on that pic tho!
do white, not gray, trust me I did both making a wannabe obsidian and white is WAY better
And what about Just painting the upper in the right kind of Grey? Had anybody tried this?? I Mean if u dont even notice from a few feet away then who cares.. it drives me crazy not owning the obsidians, i do own the royals and i love Them.
And what about Just painting the upper in the right kind of Grey? Had anybody tried this?? I Mean if u dont even notice from a few feet away then who cares.. it drives me crazy not owning the obsidians, i do own the royals and i love Them.

I would think you could probably air brush a light gray coat on there. It’s not like the shade is dark on the anniversaries anyway. Highly doubt I’ll do it though.
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