Already posted more than 2 weeks ago.

Sir...Does it really matter that much to you?

If so (i'll take you at your word as I really am not that bothered) yes you were first and hooray for you.

By no means do i wish to go back and forth with you on the matter. Posting images for me is just to inform and discuss an interest with like minded individuals. I do not seek "clout" or adulation from people who I do not know.
Yes it matters to me because it's annoying to see ole sh*** over again just because people are too lazy. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

If you don't feel like checking whether or not you might be posting old news, fine, but just don't post it then.

Really? This is how you choose to respond?

Can you not put your ego aside for a moment and see that this really isn't that important?

It's behaviour like this from long standing members that can be really off putting for people who are new or haven't been active participants on NT.
It's behaviour like this from long standing members that can be really off putting for people who are new or haven't been active participants on NT.
Ah now it's me. How surprising.
Sorry seems to be the hardest word, especially nowadays, everywhere around the world. People never say sorry because it's never them. Never ever. It's always because of someone else, or something else. But they are never wrong. Ever. So it can't be you.

Let me tell you, we get sometimes people on NT that post stuff that has been posted literally 3 posts above, 10 mins before. Is that what you want? Well I don't.
I personally don't mind seeing pairs multiple times bc there's so many that I forget what's coming out. Seeing the purples today was a nice reminder that I need to be on the lookout for those.
I definitely forgot about those purps
really want those purps. being a size 12 in mens, do any sites release larger womans sizes or am I SOL on this release?
Ah now it's me. How surprising.
Sorry seems to be the hardest word, especially nowadays, everywhere around the world. People never say sorry because it's never them. Never ever. It's always because of someone else, or something else. But they are never wrong. Ever. So it can't be you.

Let me tell you, we get sometimes people on NT that post stuff that has been posted literally 3 posts above, 10 mins before. Is that what you want? Well I don't.

I don't believe I have said or done anything that would warrant an apology.

I don't know whether there is some kind of generational disconnect where so much value is placed on the opinions of people you don't even know that the simple posting of an image is taken as a slight or form of disrespect.

In regards to double posts it really doesn't bother me that much as I always have the option to swipe up or to swipe down past the offending post without my day being affected.

I understand it's "your thing" to post official images but does it really mean that much to you to get that coveted "first"?
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