In from Spain:pimp:

Super cool pic. Is that scratch on the left mudguard the one you mentioned a page back or two? And did it come like that or is the material suspect to scuffs?
Gotcha. Was just curious because I recall you mentioned it earlier. Still waiting on delivery of my pair from stockX. I cant really tell what kind of material that even is from pictures.?
Gotcha. Was just curious because I recall you mentioned it earlier. Still waiting on delivery of my pair from stockX. I cant really tell what kind of material that even is from pictures.?
I have no idea what it is. I've asked several others and they are stumped too. Maybe nubuck that's been painted? It definitely seems fragile. The back mudguard and the heel and everything else is the normal felt stuff. The striped mudguard is different though. I feel like if I took my fingernail to it I could make a huge scratch on it. I guess we'll see over the next few weeks.
So the polka dots are normal felt? It kinda looks like its painted cardboard. I mean I'm sure it's not cardboard but that's what it looks like when I zoom in on it
So the polka dots are normal felt? It kinda looks like its painted cardboard. I mean I'm sure it's not cardboard but that's what it looks like when I zoom in on it
Yea polka dots and the pink/purple striped part is the normal felt. Maybe slightly nicer but basically the same.
On my brother’s pair, they came pre-creased. I’ve seen other pairs with similar creasing.


Also, the paint job on the back stripes was shotty. Even the colors threw me off.


With that said, I find the design so awesome that I overlooked those issues and paid resell for the first time in my life.
Thanks for the pics. I also have seen some pre creased. I plan to wear mine alot so minor defects are tolerable but some stuff nike let's pass thru is unacceptable.
Thanks for the pics. I also have seen some pre creased. I plan to wear mine alot so minor defects are tolerable but some stuff nike let's pass thru is unacceptable.

My pair came with the same annoying crease, same location. But at least the paint job on the pink/purple stripes is solid. So overall I'm pretty happy.

I'm going to enjoy the hell out of wearing these! A trip down to San Diego is in order.
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