you can also retake the quiz as many times as you like. So you can just keep guessing until you get the correct answer. It's like one of those "Which celebrity are you" tests, and you keep retaking it until you're Beyonce always.
you can also retake the quiz as many times as you like. So you can just keep guessing until you get the correct answer. It's like one of those "Which celebrity are you" tests, and you keep retaking it until you're Beyonce always.

It doesn't tell you if you got it all right.
You are only in contention to win if you answered the quiz correctly.

Even better would be if they had a pool of rotating questions so it's different for everyone.

Or you have to log in and only get one try. No do-overs
Quiz is a very good idea, but can still be improved. Perfect way would be to register with your personal detail and get a link to take the quiz one time. with rotating questions.

I took it and would take the 3hr ride to Berlin in case I'm chosen.
Agree but asking what year the store opened was dumb. There's really no reason for anyone to know when any store opened. Hell I don't even know when Nike opened. Late 70's but not the actual year.
There might not be a reason to know, but it's why they ask the question. Loyal customers that have been going since day 1 will more likely know than the kid that just started shopping there to resell last week.
There might not be a reason to know, but it's why they ask the question. Loyal customers that have been going since day 1 will more likely know than the kid that just started shopping there to resell last week.
The options were like 1992 and then 3 early 2000's years. The amount of people that will know it's 2002 rather than 2001 can be counted on one hand. That's almost 20 years ago. People don't know that ****.
The options were like 1992 and then 3 early 2000's years. The amount of people that will know it's 2002 rather than 2001 can be counted on one hand. That's almost 20 years ago. People don't know that ****.
The options were 1950, 1992, 2003, and 2011, so not quite as ridiculous. Regardless, I don't think the quiz will do much to deter resellers. I imagine the ones who resell in bulk can automate the answer/entry process. Would have been better if the order of the answer choices were randomized.
Happy with these...
Is it me or is the mesh they are using now on the toe box is really high quality. The Curry's looking great, and so do those mangos.
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