
I want to go to there. Shoe surgeon snapped on this....
nice straight to foot dblplay1212, always is better on foot :wink:

ok more wide than anniversary, have you size down your AM1 ID or it is your true size? thanks (personnaly i have 41 with my anniversary but i believe 40,5 would fit me... because 41 is my true size for all my air max but AM1 2017 is a little bit bigger in length than my others)
I stick to us10.5 on pretty much all AM1. Anniversary pairs fit great in length but a little snug across the front of my foot. These feel more wide than my anniversary pairs.
Really pleased with the result. Quick pic before the rain.

Not bad but somehow it looks like the old shape?!? Toebox, could be the angle! The mudguard isn’t thin but could be better though! Hopefully the shape of the right shoe is the same! Personally I hate mudguard differences between the left and right shoe!
Remake of these came today. Overall much better the second go around. No dirt on the mesh, no dents in the toe, no loose stitching, and a much more even mudguard all around.

Crappy pic but I just got home from work
Yes its still possible to receive shoes without hideous dents or obvious defect and that's a good thing.
matte or glossy for the white outsole finish of the ID's?

(perso i prefer matte finish like my anniversary's)

I will surely make one or two pair of this AM1 ID :wink: (finger crossed no big creases no toe dent), unless by then the red pair anniversary is back at nike France... (finger crossed also for French re-restock of red 103 lol)
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