Where can i get those shoe tree's?
That was it, the other was one of those stupid select sellers garbage. So basically nothing. Unless you need a new vacuum.
The toe wrap is perfect, love the pipped tongue for iD - materials are nothing crazy, but I just wana see if Nike really can work on the mud

This time on chat, different than normal chat discussions on quality control - I sent my pictures of all the flaws (stains on laces, paint on bubble, weird cuts and extra fabric on mud, etc) and they told me a rep would be contacting me seperately within 2-3 business days and would like as many detailed pics as possible as an attempt to make sure the flaws don't happen again..

Could be all BS, but its def one step further for QC than they would have done in the past where they just would have given me a new 20% off code and told me to send em back and re purchase

Time will tell...

I would think Nike as a corporation trying to save money would actually make some tighter shifts in terms of QC changes especially with ID, they lose a good bit on each returned pair
Have you tried taking the advice of actually lacing your shoes?
Sorry sounds like I'm just ignoring you lol yes i have tried them laced with no difference. I have around 30 pairs of AM1's and these are the only pair I've seen with this amount of creasing. It's only noticable once standing and there is force on the toe otherwise they look fine.
of the 3 pairs i received today, 2 of the 3 have inconsistencies in the size of the mudguard. seems like an 8th of an inch isnt much, but its a big difference in my obsidian/royal/red pair. the chili pair is a little less and if you were really a stickler it could ruin it for you. the olive/navy/gold pair is on point, same dimensions, both pairs.
Yo has anyone received shipping info from DSMNY? I haven't gotten ****. I just wanna know if they've even shipped yet.
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