A brisk fall day is as good a reason as any to unds my Flax

101 have a slightly more streamlined toe in that pic above.

could just be the angle the photo was taken at but in that pic the shape of the March release pair seems better.

not swaying me whatsoever from going for these royals but it is what it is w/Nike and QC from one pair or the next.
I'm buggin or the shapes look noticeably different on those pairs up there? I like the left pair better.

I see what your saying but you'd really have to force yourself to care. Separated from each other, they are the same shoe. I think I'm gonna need 2 Royals also smh. Pics are so beautiful.
Yeah i'm in either way, I was just saying. Never really cared about shape, only when it's terribly different like for certain Jordans.
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