Great pics. jp7891 jp7891

Crazy seeing them on foot now. I still love them but realized I would not rock these. Maybe a few summer fits with shorts but already know it's not a look for me. If the price drop later I might cave in but for now beautiful shoe just not on me.:smh:
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this guy is so ready for a headshot
a white sole with a white midsole  and white air bubble really irks me lol. should of gave it an olive or  brown sole
cosign.  this is why i didnt put much effort into the 6s, and i'll be passing on these.  if that midsole were a complementary color, theyd be killer for me. 
real talk, this dude for real?
a white sole with a white midsole  and white air bubble really irks me lol. should of gave it an olive or  brown sole

Completely agree. The outsole should have been a different color to break things up. Looks too chunky.
the solid color of the midsole/bottom & air unit is why the all sail are the only pair I'm really after from the pinnacles.
the iced jade look great but I'd need a complimentary color on the midsole/sole for those to pop for me.
my snkrs app just reminded me that the sail pinnacles drop in 15mins cause I set the notification two days ago when they initially went they're pushed back and I gotta wait another wk.
thanks Nike for the tease smh
my snkrs app just reminded me that the sail pinnacles drop in 15mins cause I set the notification two days ago when they initially went they're pushed back and I gotta wait another wk.
thanks Nike for the tease smh
I got a 1 day reminder yesterday and today I got a 1 week reminder.
so all the shops removed them from their sites..? cancellation coming for all those who placed an order since the release date was pushed back?
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