THE OFFICIAL 2024 - 2025 DALLAS COWBOYS SEASON THREAD || 3 - 3 Thank God for the BYE

Save WR for 7th. It's important, but isn't that important. Hell Miles is still sitting without a team can always have him as a fall back plan as our #3 WR on a 1 year deal

Miles can pack his duffle bag, and auto start his Bentley. His replacement has arrived!
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Not in love with this draft, I grade off the Ravens premise of three starters makes a quality draft but I see 2 starters, like Street a lot though

worst pick was that Hitchens dude, no offense to him but that's Dallas getting cute IMO

like the Dixon pick but I think they failed that 7th round too
I wanted a FS too, Marqueston Huff over that Hitchens was ideal

Dixon has upside though, I like that pick even though another SS isn't what we wanted I think he could potentially be a starter if he ever gets some discipline
Correct me if I'm wrong here but in a cover 2 shouldn't both safeties be somewhat of a hybrid strong/free if that's the case this team doesn't even have one that fills the role properly
Correct me if I'm wrong here but in a cover 2 shouldn't both safeties be somewhat of a hybrid strong/free if that's the case this team doesn't even have one that fills the role properly

Eh, if anything in a Cover 2 you want safeties that can cover because they are your primary deep coverage while your corners take care of the flats.
Don't know much about about these players to judge but front 7 is way more beneficial than the back 4. And with the money tied up in our corners already and the way our pass rush was non-existent + injury history, not even mad they drafted the way they did. 2009 when we led the league in sacks our secondary was fine and we didn't have anyone special back there.

Hopefully Carr gets back to how he was before CJ81 broke him.
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Cover 2, there is a single high safety (FS) most of the time patrolling the deep half and the SS comes down into the box
Cover 2, there is a single high safety (FS) most of the time patrolling the deep half and the SS comes down into the box

This is what I was referring to! Now is it alway the same guy playing center field was more of my question sorry I should have worded it better... Are both safeties required to fall back into coverage and come up into the box
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This is what I was referring to! Now is it alway the same guy playing center field was more of my question sorry I should have worded it better... Are both safeties required to fall back into coverage and come up into the box

Not really interchangeable like we needed in Ryan's 3-4. Had we stayed put in the 2nd, Lamarcus Joyner would've been perfect as a single high, also from the same school Terrance Brooks in the 3rd would've been our starting FS.

On our roster the only natural single high cover 2 FS is matt Johnson but that guy cannot be counted on.

Dallas is never going to get one, they undervalue the position and are only willing to draft someone with a crazy high draft grade like they had on Vaccaro who frankly we should've moved up for last year.

I was also a huge Eric Reid fan you know the guy staring us in the face at 18 a heck of ah athlete and the best single high prospect last year. I knew if Dallas wouldn't take Reid at 18 then they wouldn't touch the two safeties ranked in the first this year because those two weren't near the caliber Reid was.

Right now our FS is probably Matt Johnson and Jeff Heath but they'll probably have to work Wilcox at FS but I think he's a better in the box guy.

If your looking at 2015 draft needs lol FS QB DE DT would top my list
Ideally there's two philosophies

Seattle drops Kam down underneath and he's basically a rover which is the same position he played at college and Carroll identified his talent and inserted him into basically the same SS role in Seattle.

This allows Thomas to drop back deeper and control the high part of the field.

When you have a true thumper with athleticism and a rangy fast ballhawk that can cover ground and anticipate correctly then you've found the key to safety secondary play. Problem is these guys are hard to find and Carroll found them both in the same draft, the man is a genius.

Sherman is a beast but trust me Thomas and Chancellor are the straw that stirs the drink in Seattle.

Also it doesn't hurt to have a 8 man DL rotation lol but look around the league there are very few good safeties out there and there's only IMO really a handful of elite ones

The next elite FS to come out of college will be a top 10 pick I guarantee that
Craig Loston went undrafted.... Did not see that coming.. Should be a guy that we invite to camp.

Even with the Dixon pick...
The Last Shot

Our latest Grantland video follows L’Damian Washington — who carries with him the dreams of his family — on pro day, when the Mizzou wide receiver’s performance could help propel him to the NFL

by Grantland Channel on May 6, 2014

In the biggest moment of Missouri’s season, 100 black-clad Tigers looked to L’Damian Washington. It was late October, and South Carolina had just forced a game with then–no. 5 Missouri into overtime at Faurot Field in Columbia. Just before the coin toss, the entire team gathered around Washington on the sideline. “We’ve got to earn that ****!” Mizzou’s captain yelled, in earshot of the TV cameras. Turning in a circle, making eye contact with his teammates, he yelled it again. Some nodded. Some swayed. No one’s eyes wandered. When it was all there to be won or lost, they listened to L’Damian Washington — because he’d earned it.

During Washington’s first year at Missouri, I covered the football team as a student reporter. They say that at 6-foot-4, he weighed 180 pounds. I say they’re liars. He was as skinny as skinny comes, a two-star recruit ranked outside the top 50 in Louisiana alone. He redshirted that season; I don’t know how much anyone ever expected out of the stick from Shreveport.

How far Washington has come in life will always trump how far he has come as a player, but his football career has been remarkable in its own way. After catching 50 passes in his first three college seasons combined, Washington equaled that as a senior, snatching 50 balls for 893 yards and double-digit touchdowns. The best play of his career came a couple of hours before that sideline speech, with the Tigers backed up inside their own 5-yard line. On third-and-8, quarterback Maty Mauk hit Washington with a pass down the right sideline. When Washington made the catch, around the 25, there were two or three Gamecocks who had a chance to drag him down. It took a few steps for that chance to be gone. See, L’Damian Washington can fly.1

I’ll let you get to the end of the film before I spoil Washington’s 40, but all season, he showed off the type of speed that — at 6-foot-4 — is sure to leave NFL general managers at least a little intrigued. The concern with Washington is that even after putting some meat on that frame the past three years, he’s still slight for a professional receiver. Being able to burn down the sideline doesn’t matter much if you can’t get around or through a cornerback holding you up at the line.

There’s also occasional concern about his hands. He lets the ball fall into his chest too much before corralling it with his arms. If his college career is any hint, though, Washington has the interest and capacity to get better. And the promise is there. With the game tied in the second half against Texas A&M, and a trip to the SEC championship game on the line, Washington pulled in a back-shoulder, goal-line fade that we see all the time on Sundays.

That was the thing about Washington during Mizzou’s unlikely run in 2013 — his best plays usually came when the Tigers needed them most. The height and the speed will draw teams in, but what might ensure his draft-worthy status is what else Washington was to Mizzou. From those timely touchdowns to his defined role as the team’s emotional core, L’Damian Washington was everything a coach could want. This weekend, all it takes is for one more coach to think so.

—Robert Mays
not drafting a QB is gonna put them in a tough position

Post Aikman Pre Romo era was ugly, they really don't want to go through that again

next year they may be forced to get a QB, this year they had one fall in their laps, we'll see how this plays out but I think Romo is in decline, his accuracy and deep ball was off last year and I don't see how that improves with age and back surgery
not drafting a QB is gonna put them in a tough position

Post Aikman Pre Romo era was ugly, they really don't want to go through that again

next year they may be forced to get a QB, this year they had one fall in their laps, we'll see how this plays out but I think Romo is in decline, his accuracy and deep ball was off last year and I don't see how that improves with age and back surgery

No it doesn't

Manziel wouldn't have worked out here. We all know it, even Jerry knew it.

Everyone says how much they hate Jerry, and he always makes the wrong moves. He made the exact opposite move that Jerry Jones would make by not drafting Manziel, yet it was still bad?

They made the smart move and right move by not drafting Manziel.
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I wish they would have got Taj Boyd when did he go the seventh? He's a project that I would have liked to take a flyer on
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