The NBA has to Adopt This Rule before it loses more fans

Aug 28, 2007
Automatic T for flopping. It is getting out of control. I cant even watch manu and other players flopping. It almost makes the game un-watchable. To just thinkthat most players are going full tilt and giving it their all, others are looking for ways to pretty much cheat. If refs handed out automatic Ts for floppingit would stop asap. Yeah some calls might be wrong and disputable but there would be no flopping really in the first place.
i don't like flopping at all, but that would be a bit too harsh...i'd rather just have the NBA just make their officials blow that whistle less...
i do hate flopping but sometimes you can't really tell if a player just flopped.
you can't always tell when a player has flopped, but when you can tell that someone has flopped, it should be a automatic tech. no questions asked. theseare grown men, little point guards cannot knock these people on their backsides and into the cameramen. that is beyond stupid. the refs should be callingcharges when it occurs, instead they only call it when the player turns the game into a movie set.

what happened in soccer? flopping started ruining the game. now if you flop, it's an automatic yellow card. should be the same with the nba. flopping iskilling the league.
Some of yall are ridiculous, if a player is holding his ground and has to "act" a little bit to get a call, so be it. NBA isnt the street.
NBA isnt the street.
could you imagine if someone playing streetball started flopping? do you know how stupid that would look? just as stupid as it does in the nba.

streetballers copy everything from nba players, except flopping.

play defense.
Man you think the NBA Is bad, turn on a Duke game and watch the flops come every damn play. It's ridiculous. Paulus and crew must have gone to the VladeDivac school of flopping.
I see what you're saying, but its way to hard to tell in certain cases throughout the game. ESpecially down the stretch of a game, str treatment wouldcome out once again. Puts a lot of pressure on officials to make a call that they wouldn't always be certain on most of the time.

I agree on calling less fouls in general though.... let the players play.
Originally Posted by 24jayhawk24

^Yeah but some dudes way OD it.

could you imagine if someone playing streetball started flopping? do you know how stupid that would look? just as stupid as it does in the nba.

streetballers copy everything from nba players, except flopping.

play defense.

[/ Herm Edwards ] You play to win the game. [/ Herm Edwards]

I think you guys say that because youre fans, but if you were really playing in the NBA, I bet your minds would change.
I think you guys say that because youre fans, but if you were really playing in the NBA, I bet your minds would change.

nah. I love the NBA, but there are parts of it that I don't like. Flopping is one of them, and at times it makes some games unwatchable.

I understand that sometimes you do need to act a little to get the call; for instance Shaq might need too seeing how big he is. Charges into him would probablygo unnoticed because he's so fat.

Now can you imagine if Shaq tried to flop on every play? Some players try to do this; flopping isn't a skill. It's stupid.

The only part I like is when someone flops and no one is touching them. They go flying across the court, and everyone's like%*$$ just happened? Then hegoes to the ref and argues for a call.
If you ever been to a basketball camp at a college the coaches DO teach flopping. "Take a seat! Take a seat!"

Nah, the ones I went to they taught how to take a hit. How to step in and take the charge. Not to flop. But to take the hit
I think you guys say that because youre fans
of course, and as i fan i want to watch a great product. all the flopping takes away from that and makes it a bad product. that's part of whythe nba is losing fans.

it's really david sterns fault because he allows the referees to call that nonsense. it just makes the league look stupid. that stuff isn't basketball.that crap didn't fly in the nineties, it shouldn't play now. the players are just playing down to the stupidity of the referees and david stern.
yeah i cant even watch the mavs play anymore since devin harris will just fall over with the slightest touch. its like if the air from the player who drove hithim he would just fall down
it makes the game unwatchable with all the charges and constant whistle blowing. i say we just let the game go and let them getphysical downlow instead of all these ticky tack foul calls that try to run the score up
Last night Iverson jogged into Tim Thomas on a drive and Thomas was sent flying into the baseline like a bomb just dropped. The weight difference there defiesthe laws of physics.
^Well Tim Thomas can't play a lick of defense. So that's why he has to act. Someone needs to tell Devin Harris that his ridiculous flopping has tostop.
flopping is ruining the game of basketball at all levels... refs are so quick to call it offensive anymore and most of the time they get it wrong. On top ofthat, it's taken away all the aggressive nature of the game.
speaking of flopping in the nba. check this video out, this how you know ur a good actor...... .
My personal views on charges and flops...

Charge: Standing your ground and another player comes driving hard and trucks your*#%%.

Flop: When a player falls on purpose because the man he's defending is bigger, stronger, and posting them up.

Soccer has yellow cards for flopping, hockey has 5:00 penalties for diving, they usually don't call anything in the NFL. The NBA has to have some sort ofrepercussion, or like Acid said, don't call it.
Chancey Billups, Sam Cassell, and Manu jump INTO their defenders, throw up a flailing shot, flop to the floor, and get the ref to call a blocking/defensivefoul 99.9% of the time.

Yes, something needs to be done about that.

On fast breaks, people will hurry up and run under the basket, barely getting their feet set before the player in the air completes the dunk, and a charge willbe called (word to Kobe on Nash, which, fortunately and unexpectedly was NOT called for a charge). And something needs to be done about that.

What needs to be done is that the NBA needs... NEEDS... to get their refs trained better, because they're falling for bullcrap.

And I wouldn't have a problem with techs being called for flops at all. At the very least, it would get Raja and Manu out of the league with a quickness.
Ska - i'm not defending those guys that initiate contact either... i just think the refs need to allow a more physical game, period.
^ I agree, and allowing people to bodyeach other would definitely be a solution to the flopping problem on the defensive end. You get bodied and the ref makesno call, you're going to be less inclined to do it next time. You get bodied and flop and get a foul called on you, you're going to be even LESSinclined to do it next time. Right now, someone flops and everyone holds their breath wondering what the call (or no call) will be. WHat needs to happen isthat if the ref saw no foul but a player flopped, bam... foul on the flopper. That would allow for a more physical game, no? Because players would now thatthey're either going to have to play defense, or if they flop, a foul will be called on them if there was no foul.
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