Can we really say the "majority of them are trainwrecks in their personal lives" though?
I know and train with a lot of fighters. Some pros.
I would say the "majority" are fairly well adjusted human beings. And no more trainwrecks than anyone else in any profession.
Don't let the spectacle of these high profile incidents speak for everyone who participates. For every Tyson who might be a "trainwreck", there's an Ali, Foreman, Frazier etc. that you probably would not put in that category.
For every Jones, an Aldo, DJ, Weidman, Cain.
It's less about the profession and more about the person. Which is exactly what I said when people were talking about the "pressure of being champ". It's not about the pressure. It's about the person.
And realistically, I'm not sure we can even use the term "trainwreck" for Jones.
The problem with him is he was OD portraying himself to be something he wasn't at all. And he never really needed to do all that.