"The Master" Jordan 12s To Release (2/27/2016)

How is the tax baller theory stupid?
Most people got their money right before this release, and most of those same people are irresponsible with their money throughout the year. So when they get a huge chunk back, they start blowing through it.

My sister in law is a prime example of this... The last shoes her kids got were Oreo 4. (Cuz she had money then) This year after her tax check cleared, her and her WHOLE family wear wearing the masters, and the pink 12's, and all the matching jordan clothes...

Why? Cuz she's an income tax baller, and doesn't save or have the money to buy shoes throughout the rest of the year... so when those thousands clear, she starts balling, and buying everything up...

She even said she wished the check had cleared earlier so she could've bought her family the Nike Air cement 4 instead.

I know plenty of people who didn't have money to spend until that check cleared, so for them to start splurging on masters after not being able to spend money in months, is not far fetched. It's real
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because the statement in general is a enormous glossover to cover too many demographics of people & just because it fits one person that you happen to know doesn't mean it will for all...just like shoes.
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because the statement in general is a enormous glossover to cover too many demographics of people & just because it fits one person that you happen to know doesn't mean it will for all...just like shoes.

i don't agree. I feel like majority of the country was waiting for their tax checks to clear that way they can spend the money, or at least start to spend some...
Regardless of sneakers.

There are PLENTY of people who didn't have money to spend last month, who all of a sudden have thousands at their disposal. Including sneakerheads.

People are spending money like crazy right now. It's because they have it to spend.

Either way. Back to the sneakers
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Yea, my taxi's are 0.5 too big, so I think I'll just size 0.5 down and hope for the best.

It might just be me, but lately the sizing on remastered joints has seemed different then older retros. For example, the cp3 13s seem like they fit slightly smaller to me than my HGG 13s, while the NA white cement 4s seem more roomy then my 2012 white cements. Maybe I'm just crazy though :lol:

I thought the same thing! So did you go tts on these?
anyone else not get the e-mail to purchase the french blues? i'm one of those who had the cancellation. I got the 20% code and was told that i would get a follow-up email for the french blue. i have not. time to e-mail or call?
anyone else not get the e-mail to purchase the french blues? i'm one of those who had the cancellation. I got the 20% code and was told that i would get a follow-up email for the french blue. i have not. time to e-mail or call?
I think your ship sailed on that. If you got a cancellation email saying you would be able to preorder the fb's with the 20% code, you should've been called. They stopped the preorder thing I believe on the 14th(not sure). You should still call just to vent but I believe someone else waited past that time period and they said there was nothing they could do.
because the statement in general is a enormous glossover to cover too many demographics of people & just because it fits one person that you happen to know doesn't mean it will for all...just like shoes.

i don't agree. I feel like majority of the country was waiting for their tax checks to clear that way they can spend the money, or at least start to spend some...
Regardless of sneakers.

There are PLENTY of people who didn't have money to spend last month, who all of a sudden have thousands at their disposal. Including sneakerheads.

People are spending money like crazy right now. It's because they have it to spend.

Either way. Back to the sneakers

We've had a ton of releases over tax season but this is the only one that's getting that ignorant label. Thats the problem.
anyone else not get the e-mail to purchase the french blues? i'm one of those who had the cancellation. I got the 20% code and was told that i would get a follow-up email for the french blue. i have not. time to e-mail or call?

I got the follow up email in my junk folder, but it wasn't needed anyway. There was no code to purchase, you just needed to log in with the Nike+ account that had the cancelled masters order and they allowed you to purchase once the shoes were up on the site. Someone posted the link here as soon as it went up Thursday or Friday of last week and that's how I copped mine early. Unfortunately, the site gave notice that early access would end on this past Monday.

Guess you can try calling. Good luck.
All this tax money talk. Why don't people just admit it's a hot shoe?? I think people are mad cuz they slept on um.. so all of a sudden once they sold out and went up to 300 resale they only sold out so quick is because of tax money. They would have sold either way. Y'all forget a lot of peeps end up owing. Once u hit that higher tax bracket you either get very little or you owe. Unless you have a decent amout of write offs. (Looks in mirror) thank god I bought a house or Uncle Sam would tax the crap out of me
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but you ignored the rest of everything else so....

Actually I didn't.  I agree, its common sense to assume that something of higher volume would take longer to sell than something of lower quantity. So its nearly impossible to judge which release had more hype, desire, or whatever you want to call it. Its like comparing the 72-11's to the Yeezy 350's. Sure, the 350's sold out quicker but quantity isn't comparable. No argument there.

All I wanted to clarify was that the statement you pointed out as being plain stupid, is in reality not stupid.  It's exactly what occurs, and it doesn't pertain just to sneakers.  People seem to be able to do (or they think they can) "everything" during tax season...And perhaps that could explain the sales on the Master 12's..
but you ignored the rest of everything else so....

Actually I didn't.  I agree, its common sense to assume that something of higher volume would take longer to sell than something of lower quantity. So its nearly impossible to judge which release had more hype, desire, or whatever you want to call it. Its like comparing the 72-11's to the Yeezy 350's. Sure, the 350's sold out quicker but quantity isn't comparable. No argument there.

All I wanted to clarify was that the statement you pointed out as being plain stupid, is in reality not stupid.  It's exactly what occurs, and it doesn't pertain just to sneakers.  People seem to be able to do (or they think they can) "everything" during tax season...And perhaps that could explain the sales on the Master 12's..

You clarify a segment when you don't even know the entirety of the debate. Nice.
People want to call these the tax season 12s and say they ONLY sold out because they got tax refunds. 60% of people you say get tax refunds that are more than what they paid so are you also saying that only that 60% is responsible for the sell out?
Any way you slice it, it's pretty ignorant the define this single release as a tax season 12.
Never understood why people say something about Js selling out at "tax time". Like they don't sell out all throughout the year... I don't get it
Never understood why people say something about Js selling out at "tax time". Like they don't sell out all throughout the year... I don't get it

Aqua 8s didn't sellout (along with MTM 7s, 3Peat 8s, and a bunch of 2s and 5 lows released this year)... Back in 2014, literally every retro would sellout. Retail prices were lower back then though so there was a better resale market for GRs. 12s are well hyped and hadn't seen a retro in 2+ years, plus the cws of the 12s they are releasing are much better recieved than the new (at the time) retro+ cws of the 7s and 8s (MTM 7s, NBN 7s, 3peat 8s, etc.) last year.
Aqua 8s didn't sellout (along with MTM 7s, 3Peat 8s, and a bunch of 2s and 5 lows released this year)... Back in 2014, literally every retro would sellout. Retail prices were lower back then though so there was a better resale market for GRs. 12s are well hyped and hadn't seen a retro in 2+ years, plus the cws of the 12s they are releasing are much better recieved than the new (at the time) retro+ cws of the 7s and 8s (MTM 7s, NBN 7s, 3peat 8s, etc.) last year.
well said

Didn't think I would have to break it down like this but ok...obviously every shoe that comes out is not going to sell out, especially when 100 release in a year. Retail prices are $20 from where they were in 14. So I don't think that's stopping the majority of people from buying a pair. My point was simply many Js sell out throughout various times of the year. What kind of "money" is it then? I'm sure a few people did get a pair with their "tax money", but people buy Js all through the year. If you're going by that logic then all of the shoes that have come out in February and March would've been sold out but they aren't (all the low tops, the 4s today, etc) because people have their "tax money". But I don't wanna back and forth, we all have opinions so it's all good. Hell I rarely even post
how fast on average does a shoe move on stockx? looks interesting. im tempted to give em a try.

In all honesty they don't move quick. You've got guys throwing lowball offers that sit there forever. I'm gathering that if people are buying they are simply buying at the lowest ask if it falls into a market correct price. I give stockx credit, by being a middle man they do keep you tied to going through them no matter what, but it comes with them having to do receiving, inspecting and reshipping to the buyer on their end which is a cost to them. There isn't much left of that commission they take after that cost from what I can figure. I have my whole collection up there but my pricing is well above what I would do a pp invoice for b/c I know I have to cover the cost of their commission fee.

All I can tell so far is that I didn't have a pp fee on the money they sent me (looks like it was gifted), not sure if that was a mistake or not but that's how I got my payment and I like how quick they paid me, unlike GOAT I don't have to wait for a buyer to confirm receipt who could always be flakey.... GOAT needs to fix that or they'll never see a listing from me.
All this tax money talk. Why don't people just admit it's a hot shoe?? I think people are mad cuz they slept on um.. so all of a sudden once they sold out and went up to 300 resale they only sold out so quick is because of tax money. They would have sold either way. Y'all forget a lot of peeps end up owing. Once u hit that higher tax bracket you either get very little or you owe. Unless you have a decent amout of write offs. (Looks in mirror) thank god I bought a house or Uncle Sam would tax the crap out of me
EXACTLY.  I wish the Masters woulda dropped in November then all the naysayers wouldn't have the tax crutch. 
Y'all still going on about this? Who cares if income tax had anything to do with it. If you bought the shoe because YOU liked it, that should be enough. It doesn't matter why it sold out. Stop trying to justify things to people on the Internet y'all :lol:
LOL at all the "sneakerheads" that thought 12s would actually sit! I KNEW these would blow off the shelf quick AF.  Everytime I heard someone say they'd sit, I just laughed at the ignorance.  When have you EVER seen 12s sit??
Never understood why people say something about Js selling out at "tax time". Like they don't sell out all throughout the year... I don't get it

Aqua 8s didn't sellout (along with MTM 7s, 3Peat 8s, and a bunch of 2s and 5 lows released this year)... Back in 2014, literally every retro would sellout. Retail prices were lower back then though so there was a better resale market for GRs. 12s are well hyped and hadn't seen a retro in 2+ years, plus the cws of the 12s they are releasing are much better recieved than the new (at the time) retro+ cws of the 7s and 8s (MTM 7s, NBN 7s, 3peat 8s, etc.) last year.

you named a bunch of crap colorways that are overpriced or very decent colorways (see V lows) that are extremely overpriced.. if those low 5's were $150 they would be $300 resale now cuz they would've flew

good stuff sells out period ...of course limited ugly stuff flies too but to point is a good cw gr will fly regardless of tax time or reg time(which really aint no difference to keep it funky)
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