The Late Night Itchies...

Originally Posted by divinetecknique

Yo Niketalk, so I got this problem...

It has only started recently within the last few months and I have no idea what it is, but I start getting super itchy at night. ONLY at night time though.
Most of the time it starts with my legs then it moves around. It is mildly relieved with some scratching, but then the itchies jump somewhere else. Eventually though, they will all just go away.

This isn't something that keeps me up for endless hours of the night, but it does bug me that for the last month or so, after about 11 oclock at night, I start to get itchy.

I like to say I am a very clean person; I take my shower everyday in the morning, use lots of soap (Dove, the same soap I have been using for basically all of my life), wear clean clothes, etc. etc.
I heard it's because my skin gets dried out, so my room mates advised me to use some lotion, which I'm not sure if it helped completely.

I've never been allergic to anything in my entire life, and unless I developed something then I do not think that is it.
I am going to try washing my sheets tomorrow, but once again, I am a pretty clean person I like to think.

This does not happen every night, but it does happen probably 60-75% of the time. Is there anyone else in my boat?

I just had an episode of the itches for like 15 minutes and now they are completely gone. I am about to sleep but just had to ask my peeps on NT about this *%%$.
i know what you're talking about. it happens to me during the night, whether im in bed or not. so i doubt its bed bugs because dont you have to be in bed for that?
mine is usually for a 1-3 minute span, and it'll stop. no idea what it is though...

does it feel like the itch is UNDER your skin and not on the surface? thats how mine are... i hate it
OP if you have bed bugs washing your sheets isn't going to do anything.

You have to get an exterminator because you have to get your house and furniture treated.

You will have to wash all your clothes and linen with hot water.
I have had the same problem Op, one night I was up all night investigating my bed for bed bugs, the problem is dried skin. Dry skin leaves u itchy, i suggest putting on lotion on your legs. My legs itch too and its ONLY at night, I started putting on lotion again and it stopped.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Maybe it's a nerve thing like restless leg syndrome? I think RLS tends to strike at night. Generally allergies or something like contact dermatitis aren't limited to certain times of the day.


that *$% is sooooo made up @ RLS
It could be a number of things.

During the winter skin gets really dry really fast. I heard Aveeno was good as stated before but I use St. Ives.
Your sheets might need to be washed.
Skin fungi are very common and there are treatments. Just ask your doctor or get some Tea Tree Oil.
Originally Posted by GucciMane

OP, im in the SAME boat as you.

There's something going around. Look up Chiggers...they are microscopic and they bite you. Not really any visible mark, but they itch like hell.
We had to exterminate these things at my job. If you scratch it will leave a mark.

If not, pay attention to what you eat before going to bed a night. Could be an allergy. Take some benadryl and let your roommates have their way with you in your slumber.
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