The LAME in your entourage Vol. Vent

What, it's true!
Your a wack friend. I am the lame dude in some cases because I live a different lifestyle than people I hang out with(I don't drink, I don't smoke, I maintain a job, I don't smash random chicks, I have some interest outside of physically with chicks I intend on smashing or do smash, I dance in the club, but I'm never the one dancing while everyone dances so there are times I'm just chill and listening to the music, I wear smedium shirts, I speak with proper diction, I have been told I walk funny, and I like chicks who are more than just a big #@*! and actually have something of meaning to say(trust me people sleep on the smart sexy girls).

Sometimes they say things about it, but they have accepted that is who I am and that is what makes me.
Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

 Anyway, he's the guy that stands just outside your personal space barrier in the club. You walk to the bar.... and he appears next to you 12 seconds later. It got so funny one night that me and my man would just stand on opposite sides of the spot and watch him aimlessly shift between following one of us. He's incapable of standing on his own two, nah mean? He has no swagger. 

plus, my dude will not talk to any chicks, but will say damn she dope as $#!+. "Well go holla at her them", then he is on quiet. Then has the nerve to say someone better go holla. "Negro what!!!!!!!!!!!"
Originally Posted by Sid Lugar

Your a wack friend. I am the lame dude...
YOU'RE the wack friend
.. I'm just honest... stop weighing down your crew and step it up!

plus, my dude will not talk to any chicks, but will say damn she dope as $#!+. "Well go holla at her them", then he is on quiet. Then has the nerve to say someone better go holla. "Negro what!!!!!!!!!!!"
Right. Like I need a prospect scout! This ain't 2k10, fool I got me. Get you. I actually like hanging with the guy, I just don't like how he chills in pub. We can hang out round the crib, smoke, watch sports, be normal and all that.... but his glaring deficiencies as a social organism come out in FULL force if we leave the block
.. Halloween: Me and Saxxx throw an apt. party. We got weed, liquor, and boppers on deck. This guy gets so high he sits in the corner in a chair and just goes to sleep sitting there. He's sleep the WHOLE night. He was awake maybe 14 minutes into the shindig. I think he uses weed as an excuse to be weird. Like, oh, if I get high I can go to sleep so I won't have to be social. But then be the same dude tryna drag me to Chicago w/ him to some bar or club. And I'm thinking, first off, wasn't you just sleep at the house party WE threw? Wasn't yo swag on 2 at the club up the street? Aside from that, I'm not finna drive 20 miles to a club for the fact that that means I WON'T be drinking. So much FAIL
What's better? The lame or the dude that so outta control when ya'll get out that you wanna act like you don' t even know him.
Originally Posted by cguy610

What's better? The lame or the dude that so outta control when ya'll get out that you wanna act like you don' t even know him.

the dude thats outta control.    i got a dude like that, give him a few drinks and he'll be on every decent looking chick at the club or party.  i've gotten some being in the right place at the right time buns a few times just for being around him when he bugs out the way he does.

dude straight tells chicks they got pretty toes and wants to feed them bon bons and watch sex in the city with them,  he'll say some straight rediculous stuff but it works at times.
The LAME is worse. I'd rather be in public with 6 dudes that start %%$% than 1 dude that run from %%$%... straight up. I been around ignorance my whole life. I know how to weave in and out of tight spots. But a dude that ain't pulling no girls, makes the girls the rest of ya'll pull feel uneasy, and ain't gon land a blow OR lick a shot is the guy that's kinda
, for lack of a better expression..

the dude thats outta control.    i got a dude like that, give him a few drinks and he'll be on every decent looking chick at the club or party.  i've gotten some being in the right place at the right time buns a few times just for being around him when he bugs out the way he does.

dude straight tells chicks they got pretty toes and wants to feed them bon bons and watch sex in the city with them,  he'll say some straight rediculous stuff but it works at times.

. my acebooncoon Ink Pen Gen
Originally Posted by ListenHere

Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Originally Posted by Sid Lugar

Your a wack friend. I am the lame dude...
YOU'RE the wack friend
.. I'm just honest... stop weighing down your crew and step it up!

plus, my dude will not talk to any chicks, but will say damn she dope as $#!+. "Well go holla at her them", then he is on quiet. Then has the nerve to say someone better go holla. "Negro what!!!!!!!!!!!"
Right. Like I need a prospect scout! This ain't 2k10, fool I got me. Get you. I actually like hanging with the guy, I just don't like how he chills in pub. We can hang out round the crib, smoke, watch sports, be normal and all that.... but his glaring deficiencies as a social organism come out in FULL force if we leave the block
.. Halloween: Me and Saxxx throw an apt. party. We got weed, liquor, and boppers on deck. This guy gets so high he sits in the corner in a chair and just goes to sleep sitting there. He's sleep the WHOLE night. He was awake maybe 14 minutes into the shindig. I think he uses weed as an excuse to be weird. Like, oh, if I get high I can go to sleep so I won't have to be social. But then be the same dude tryna drag me to Chicago w/ him to some bar or club. And I'm thinking, first off, wasn't you just sleep at the house party WE threw? Wasn't yo swag on 2 at the club up the street? Aside from that, I'm not finna drive 20 miles to a club for the fact that that means I WON'T be drinking. So much FAIL

If you're cool with the dude, why not just accept him for who he is? Maybe he isn't comfortable with talking to chicks in larger social outings or maybe he is just shy like that. If you're just gonna hate on somebody with you roll with, why even bother?

Not everyone can be like you.....But I do agree with you, if he is constantly putting up a front or sayings things and not following through with his word, call him out but not in a bad way. Just point out what you've stated here and see how he or she responds.

Stop whining. I swear I read your post in the tiniest, weakest, voice
... why ya'll coming to the rescue of an anonymous character anyway? We're ALL aware LAMES exist, and yet when someone says "He's a lame" you get ya panties all balled up in a knot. Go lay down somewhere with that tired *@# defense..
. So which is it, accept him for who he is or "But I do agree with you... Just point out what you've stated here and see how he or she responds". Pick one Captain Save a Bro.
I stay in dorms so this dude is just the homies roomate but he's square as could be
we tried to get dude to be social wit broads didn't work and he's one of those dudes that if you invite him somewhere he asks questions so your just like nvm
 I was that dude in college probably.  But you acting like you know his whole life and schedule.  He might feel obligated to hang out with some aimless "rapper" friend he had from back in the day when he'd rather be chilling with fam at home or doing whatever the hell he wants to do.  
Maybe he doesn't want to let you down.
Man I just struggle with my social skills....I'ma cool dude in all other aspects.

Being such as nerd has it's advantages though...I'm on my mad scientist *%$!
EVERYBODY needs a Jacob Elinksy in their crew.  Because when things fall apart, you can depend on him.
Good thing I have no friends...

dudes like these are the reason I can't chill with a group, straight female like... talking about your "boys" saying they lame.
Originally Posted by ListenHere

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Good thing I have no friends...

dudes like these are the reason I can't chill with a group, straight female like... talking about your "boys" saying they lame.

Glad somebody agrees with me.
Awwwwww the guy with no friends doesn't like me
Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Originally Posted by ListenHere

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Good thing I have no friends...

dudes like these are the reason I can't chill with a group, straight female like... talking about your "boys" saying they lame.

Glad somebody agrees with me.
Awwwwww the guy with no friends doesn't like me

Son, you prob the lame that everyone in their group has that everyone worries what they will say because they have no home traininng and act like a straight baboon in public. Yeah I said it. Referance to a racial sterotype animal. I am however african american so its fine.
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