The Knicks should trade for Amar'e THIS offseason

Sep 19, 2006
Harrington at 10 million, Sign and trade David Lee at 10 million, + this years first. For Amar'e at 16 for next season Barbosa at 6.5 and a second. Youwould be taking Barbosa past 2010, but you would have the inside track to sign Amar'e and keep the flexability to sign Lebron. The Suns would be gettinganother PF, payroll flexability for 2010, and a possible top 10 pick.
David Lee > Amare.

D.Lee plays defense. Double-double every night.

Amare is beasty but he don't play D being so athletic he should avg 2-3 blocks a game.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

David Lee > Amare.

You can laugh but I think if we do get lucky and sign Lebron or D.Wade or any of the top swingmen, D.Lee is a better kind of player to have around them. Hedoes the intangibles.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz


You can laugh but I think if we do get lucky and sign Lebron or D.Wade or any of the top swingmen, D.Lee is a better kind of player to have around them. He does the intangibles.

Lebron aint going to come to NY to play with David Lee. I say figure out who you want more Bosh or Amar'e and trade for them.
Trading David Lee for Amare???
You're kidding, right? Amare isn't gonna be happy unless he is the #1 option on the team, period. What happens in2010 when the Knicks have cap flexibility to add a big-time player or two? Amare makes NO sense. If I was a Knicks fan, I would be patient. Nothing in theshort term is going to be a band-aid. Why mortgage your future over Amare of all people? He just isn't worth it to the Knicks.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Trading David Lee for Amare???
You're kidding, right? Amare isn't gonna be happy unless he is the #1 option on the team, period. What happens in 2010 when the Knicks have cap flexibility to add a big-time player or two? Amare makes NO sense. If I was a Knicks fan, I would be patient. Nothing in the short term is going to be a band-aid. Why mortgage your future over Amare of all people? He just isn't worth it to the Knicks.

Look at the trade. Lee would come over on a sign and trade along with the expiring of Harrington, and a first round pick. That is a better deal than PHX gotoffered this year, and teams with better pieces would not have a shot at resigning Amar'e. Plus he expires 2011, with a player option for 2010. Thats stillkeeping flexability, getting better, and setting up for 2012......... Thats a great deal to get better now and stay decent in the future. Plus you can stillsign a guy in 2010. If Amar'e plays his player option out you have a shot to get a 2011 FA (Durant, Roy) Cause KD is leaving soon as he can, and Brandonwill prob play out his Qualifing year Do you think neither Toronto nor PHX would take a deal for a real good PF, an expiring to maybe get another very goodplayer, and a first rounder?
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

David Lee > Amare.

D.Lee plays defense. Double-double every night.

Amare is beasty but he don't play D being so athletic he should avg 2-3 blocks a game.
Only in the NT sports forum I swear
Amare already said he wants to be the #1 guy. That's why there's talks that he's going to leave Phoenix. The guy has the potential to be a futurehall of famer in my opinion, but I don't think he can carry a squad to a championship by himself.
Originally Posted by Chris Paul 3

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

David Lee > Amare.

Don't mind this clown. I bet he has never watched Lee play.

In terms of talent "Amere > Lee", but production and blue-collar ethic? "Lee > Amare"
I agree, knida. Barbosa is redundant with Nate here.

Yes, Lee has played great this year. Why does nobody mention it's a contract year for him? Or D'Antoni's influence?

David Lee plays defense now?

You take Amare over him everyday of the week and that's no slight to Lee.
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

David Lee > Amare.

D.Lee plays defense. Double-double every night.

Amare is beasty but he don't play D being so athletic he should avg 2-3 blocks a game.
Only in the NT sports forum I swear

I think what he means is that D Lee > Amare in terms of what is needed for the team. Obviously, Amare is more talented.

It's sorta like the Pistons trading Chauncey Billups for AI. They gave up chemistry and defense for scoring.... eerr..... look at what happened to them.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

I agree, knida. Barbosa is redundant with Nate here.

Yes, Lee has played great this year. Why does nobody mention it's a contract year for him? Or D'Antoni's influence?

David Lee plays defense now?

You take Amare over him everyday of the week and that's no slight to Lee.

Co-sign all that.

Trading David Lee for Amare???
You're kidding, right? Amare isn't gonna be happy unless he is the #1 option on the team, period. What happens in 2010 when the Knicks have cap flexibility to add a big-time player or two? Amare makes NO sense. If I was a Knicks fan, I would be patient. Nothing in the short term is going to be a band-aid. Why mortgage your future over Amare of all people? He just isn't worth it to the Knicks.
And it's not like we're making trades or going to have fire hydrants playing on the courts just to cut payroll for 2010, we'reactually putting a decent team out there on the court and the team looks like it'll be entertaining next year as well. Just be patient and wait for 2010.
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

David Lee > Amare.

D.Lee plays defense. Double-double every night.

Amare is beasty but he don't play D being so athletic he should avg 2-3 blocks a game.
Only in the NT sports forum I swear

I think what he means is that D Lee > Amare in terms of what is needed for the team. Obviously, Amare is more talented.

It's sorta like the Pistons trading Chauncey Billups for AI. They gave up chemistry and defense for scoring.... eerr..... look at what happened to them.
Horrible're comparing swapping big men to swapping point guards. That's two totally different situations. Point guard spotis the most important on the floor. Replacing Lee with Stoudemire doesn't effect chemistry and what is this defense you all are talking about.

This is a classic case of "basketball sterotyping"...the "blue collar, hard working" big man (Lee) has to put more work into his outputthan a talented guy like Stoudemire so he immediately picks up that "tough hard nosed" defender label. David Lee is no stand out defender. Idon't see how ANYONE would rather have David Lee than Stoudemire under any circumstance.
I rather have Bosh anyway. Amare is an under achiever for his skill set and athletic ability. You are that tall, and have that much vert, are that quick, andare that strong and you avg under 9 rebondes a game. Common, dude should be getting 12 a night easily. His defense is suspect too. Plus, I don't trust hisknee after that micro-fracture long-term.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

I rather have Bosh anyway. Amare is an under achiever for his skill set and athletic ability. You are that tall, and have that much vert, are that quick, and are that strong and you avg under 9 rebondes a game. Common, dude should be getting 12 a night easily. His defense is suspect too. Plus, I don't trust his knee after that micro-fracture long-term.
I'd rather use that max-contract money on keeping the Knicks core over signing a second max-player. In terms of winning, neither Bosh norAmare has accomplished much. Amare's knee injury from years back is still a concern, and he underachieves in almost all aspects of the game. He could be a25/12/3 kinda player but he just isn't. Bosh, to me, is another Zach Randolph. Skilled and puts up numbers, but that's it. The Raptors were good lastyear because of Calderon's play and the entire team's perimeter proficiency. Giving Bosh the credit and validating a max contract is not fair. Greatplayers have off nights, but still play a role with defense, passing, rebounding, etc., and in a recent blowout loss against the Knicks, Bosh was rendereduseless. We don't need points and rebounds; we need a winning pedigree and a prime-time player, both of which Bosh is NOT.
Lee >> Amare

Lee has definitely improved and I see him continuing to improve over the years.

Amare is a great player but he gets injured too much and I wouldn't like to take that risk.
You guys kill me with this "defense" talk.

You can count on one hand the number of players that really play defense. Amar'e may play none at all, but itshouldn't be a slight; he's in the majority.
I'd take Amare. He's an upgrade over the current "bigs" we have. I don't think we should trade for him though, since he can opt out.
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