The Karate Kid Was Amazing vol. Yea I said it


Saw Kung Fu Kid, it was way beyond my expectation. It had the right blend of comedy and action, along with paying homage to the original. I liked the old school feel with a new school spin on it. The movie was much better than what I expected it to be. They really shoulda named it Kung-Fu Kid though. If you haven't seen it, go check it out. It's worth it!
Movie was dope

Chinese fighter with the mohawk in the tournament >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else
Originally Posted by piczon1983

Movie was dope

Chinese fighter with the mohawk in the tournament >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else

agreed lol. I was waiting for COBRA KAI, but they were named the fighting dragon.

the only gripe i had was my boys was tryna say certain scenes were whack, and i was like those are key scenes from the original and they'd be like. 
... i had the fake #++ movie watchers face on rest of the night. 
greatttttttt movie...did anyone else notice that Jackie was doing the "wax on, wax off" part on the car, then told Jayden to take today off to rest? kinda glad they skipped him from doing that, but thought it was cool that they thru in the subliminal
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by shogun

if it's kung fu, why didn't they title it The Kung Fu Kid?  
the karate kid is a misleading title.
I know. It's pretty sad, but the general public recognizes branded names rather knowing what words mean.  Karate has been assumed to be any type of fighting done by asian people. It's either use the proper names for stuff, or go with the words most people readily identify (basically TV language). 
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Besides the title's blatant disregard for the accuracy pertaining to martial arts, I think NT has been quite convincing in flipping changing my from seeing splice to Karate Kid. Hopefully I can find somebody to go watch it with me tonight.
I don't understand why that bothers you all so much. So what if the general public doesn't know the difference between Karate and Kung-Fu and the creators of the film took advantage of that. Why is that such a concern man?

i'm gunna be honest... it kinda bugs me when people refer to my judo and jiu jitsu as "karate" also
I'm skeptical about seeing this movie, even though my sister and my brother in law whom are currently sleeping in the room adjacent to me, were part of the production. But since they are part of the production and they are family, I plan to see Karate Kid sometime this week. In March of 2009, my sister married a man who is highly involved with Kung-Fu. One day in the dojo he trains at, some movie production unit comes in, scouting for kids to be in 'some movie'. They come into the dojo, scouting for prospects for their movie and happen to notice my sister, who is fluent in both Chinese and English. They didn't find any kids that they were interested in, however, they found interest in my sister as a translator. She helped translate lines for the children in the movie and her husband plays the referee at some point in the movie where Jaden Smith is fighting against some Chinese kid, I've seen a still picture of it on my sisters laptop.
The movie was good. But the posters who said they should have named the movie Kung Fu Kid, was spot on
Originally Posted by superflyinchopstickninja

i'm gunna be honest... it kinda bugs me when people refer to my judo and jiu jitsu as "karate" also
I guess it is like how annoyed I get when I hear someone use the word "throw" instead of shoot (Basketball wise)
I loved this movie. Probably my fav movie of the year so far. I like how they portrayed the Cobra Kai -- All my friends said the final kick was fake as hell, though.
^ Man the kick that sent Jaden Smith all the way out to the floor was vicious. My goodness that got a loud pop from the crowd. Man I sound like Mike Tenay.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by shogun

if it's kung fu, why didn't they title it The Kung Fu Kid?  
the karate kid is a misleading title.
I know. It's pretty sad, but the general public recognizes branded names rather knowing what words mean.  Karate has been assumed to be any type of fighting done by asian people. It's either use the proper names for stuff, or go with the words most people readily identify (basically TV language). 
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Besides the title's blatant disregard for the accuracy pertaining to martial arts, I think NT has been quite convincing in flipping changing my from seeing splice to Karate Kid. Hopefully I can find somebody to go watch it with me tonight.
I don't understand why that bothers you all so much. So what if the general public doesn't know the difference between Karate and Kung-Fu and the creators of the film took advantage of that. Why is that such a concern man?

In all seriousness, the fact that you seemingly don't care about the the difference between Karate and Kung Fu seems rather arrogant and ignorant.  It's one thing to say "yeah, I don't know the difference", and it's another thing to say "yeah, I realize they're different, but I don't care".

You can't analogize this to sports, because martial arts are tied in so closely to spirituality and culture. And it's obvious that since they are two Asian martial arts, it's easy for you (the collective you) to just lump them together.

I mean, I'm not going to protest in front of a movie theatre, but to not be able to see why there's such concern is pretty idiotic.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ Man the kick that sent Jaden Smith all the way out to the floor was vicious. My goodness that got a loud pop from the crowd. Man I sound like Mike Tenay.
man I thought Jaden's chest caved in when I saw that damn kick

I am saying that the name of the film will remain the same from the original to draw folks to the theatre. Karate Kid will sell more than the Kung-Fu Kid. Folks should understand that it all comes down to what is a catchier title. $$$$$$$$$. I am saying it isn't worth the emotion to keep saying, "It should be Kung-Fu Kid." Don't take it as a personal shot at your discipline because they mislabeled it. This happens all of the time in media. Don't take it personal is what I am telling folks.

That is all I am saying man. You are looking for something that isn't even there dude.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I never said I didn't care about the difference between Karate and Kung-Fu and I also never said that I don't see why fans are upset. You aren't reading what I am saying.

I am saying that I don't see why it bothers folks so much when they know the name of the film will remain the same from the original to draw folks to the theatre. Karate Kid will sell more than the Kung-Fu Kid. Folks should understand that it all comes down to what is a catchier title. $$$$$$$$$. I am saying it isn't worth the emotion to keep saying, "It should be Kung-Fu Kid."

That is all I am saying man. You are looking for something that isn't even there dude.

"I don't understand why that bothers you all so much. So what if thegeneral public doesn't know the difference between Karate and Kung-Fuand the creators of the film took advantage of that. Why is that such aconcern man?"

That's what I was answering.

Regardless of the fact that the wildly inaccurate title will "sell more", it is still wildly inaccurate. And the indifference to the inaccuracy is borderline insulting.
Why does me feeling indifferent about it insulting? So because I can look past the disrespect of the name of the movie (compared to what it should really be) because I know WHY it is done (to sell more tickets) is insulting? I could see if this was the first time this has happened in film but this is an everyday occurrence. Why should I still be bothered by it in 2010? Not worth my ill-energy.
It is similar to hardcore comic fans being upset when a movie is made about their favorite heros and the story isn't 100% accurate. You KNOW that is going to happen, so why are you still being bothered by it. How many times in the past has the original story been altered when the conversion was made from comic to film? Plenty. So why get annoyed every time it happens? Eventually you should say, "Man I already know they are going to butcher the story, so I won't even sweat it."

That is how I feel about this situation. Wasted energy for something that you know/knew was going to happen.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

It is similar to hardcore comic fans being upset when a movie is made about their favorite heros and the story isn't 100% accurate. You KNOW that is going to happen, so why are you still being bothered by it. How many times in the past has the original story been altered when the conversion was made from comic to film? Plenty. So why get annoyed every time it happens? Eventually you should say, "Man I already know they are going to butcher the story, so I won't even sweat it."

That is how I feel about this situation. Wasted energy for something that you know/knew was going to happen.

It's nothing like that. At all.

And the sheer fact that you can't even remotely empathize which my stance baffles me.
If you say so dude. Have fun staying baffled. It was a perfect example. You won't allow yourself to see it of course.

But you win Carlos
Originally Posted by piczon1983

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ Man the kick that sent Jaden Smith all the way out to the floor was vicious. My goodness that got a loud pop from the crowd. Man I sound like Mike Tenay.
man I thought Jaden's chest caved in when I saw that damn kick

Chen's front kick was something vicious.  He caught dude off guard immediately after the bow
  And the other part where he was about to hit the boy on the ground like he was in Tekken or something til' the ref pulled the kid away
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by piczon1983

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ Man the kick that sent Jaden Smith all the way out to the floor was vicious. My goodness that got a loud pop from the crowd. Man I sound like Mike Tenay.
man I thought Jaden's chest caved in when I saw that damn kick

Chen's front kick was something vicious.  He caught dude off guard immediately after the bow
  And the other part where he was about to hit the boy on the ground like he was in Tekken or something til' the ref pulled the kid away

That scene was so sick. 
saw it last night. i really enjoyed it and taraji was looking so good to me. i really thought it had more action than the original one
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