The James Holmes Conspiracy

Hopefully the title grabed ya. I'm either on to something or I'm on something. :wink: I have been doing some reading lately and wanted to just share some coincidences I may or may not have found. Haven't seen this take on the round of conspiracy websites and honestly I feel like I might just be making all this up in my head.

First off let me preface this by saying my knowledge of occultism and/or the greek classics is remedial at best. Nor do I have any idea as to how to put these various coincidences into any logical stream of thought so bear with me. Please feel free to add to or refute anything I say. What I am hoping for here is a framework for others more educated in these things than myself to build from.

Ok, so as the title would indicate I am going to attempt to tie together The Aurora Colorado Massacre, Batman: The Dark Knight series, 16th century Rosicrucian Saint John of the Cross, and Homer's Odyssey while hopefully getting some feedback as to the condition of my mental state.

16th century "The Dark Night of the Soul" OR Century 16 "The Dark Knight Rises"

"The Dark Night of the Soul", written in the 16th century by Christian mystic San Juan de la Cruz, which means it's occult teachings using Christian dogma, correct? This is the rosicrucian angle. Here's the translation for you before we go any further. A second follow up work was done under the same name explaining this original poem.

The Dark Night Of The Soul
By Saint John of the Cross
Translated by A.Z. Foreman

Once in the dark of night,
Inflamed with love and wanting, I arose
(O coming of delight!)
And went, as no one knows,
When all my house lay long in deep repose

All in the dark went right,
Down secret steps, disguised in other clothes,
(O coming of delight!)
In dark when no one knows,
When all my house lay long in deep repose.

And in the luck of night
In secret places where no other spied
I went without my sight
Without a light to guide
Except the heart that lit me from inside.

It guided me and shone
Surer than noonday sunlight over me,
And lead me to the one
Whom only I could see
Deep in a place where only we could be.

O guiding dark of night!
O dark of night more darling than the dawn!
O night that can unite
A lover and loved one,
A lover and loved one moved in unison.

And on my flowering breast
Which I had kept for him and him alone
He slept as I caressed
And loved him for my own,
Breathing an air from redolent cedars blown.

And from the castle wall
The wind came down to winnow through his hair
Bidding his fingers fall,
Searing my throat with air
And all my senses were suspended there.

I stayed there to forget.
There on my lover, face to face, I lay.
All ended, and I let
My cares all fall away
Forgotten in the lilies on that day.

So the explanation here if I can paraphrase the various interpretations I have read is that The Dark Night of the Soul is a time in ones life when one has invested so much faith and has seen the glory of god so clearly only to have everything taken away including gods graces and be left with nothing, destitute and suffering. This process serves only to ultimately bring one closer to god as the person perseveres despite having lost faith or any hope of reward or grace. God's ultimate test I guess.

But aside from the Christian angle, the occult angle refers to reaching enlightenment. The period of time where you suffer after having been awakened to to the illusion of the world and can participate on higher conscious levels but are still clinging to some or many aspects of the physical life (how can you not) and are not fully enlightened. "A period in his or her experience during which the light of illumination is in complete eclipse." Evelyn Underhill refers to it as the “complementary negative consciousness” to the positive pole of mystical enlightenment, an experience that is necessary for the completed transformation of the mystic’s character.

I believe Aleister Crowley referred to the Dark Night of the Soul as "leaping over the dark abyss" or something similar.

In Kabbalah, it's the journey between the 3rd and 4th sephira apparently.

"Mystics are familiar with the "dark night of the soul" or the "obscure night". Each such night can last twenty-four hours or twenty-four years depending on how long it takes for a specific lesson to be learned. In the struggle for individual growth and harmony it can take time to realize that jubilation and disconsolation are but two facets of the same diamond. And each puzzle solved, every course of study mastered is like an initiation - and with initiation comes illumination."

So I guess you are wondering what this has to do with Batman other than the name. I have yet to see the new film but I had seen the previous one and it does seem to be somewhat of a similar storyline. The foresaken hero forced to choose the correct path despite losing his name and adoration. Tell me you see the connection? Don't worry there is much more to this if you don't. The below link sheds more on this.

Moving on for a bit. Let's get to Homer's Odyssey.

The Odyssey by Homer is viewed by occultists such as the Freemasons and Rosicrucians as an esoteric text, and concerns the journey of Odysseus home after the Trojan war . In fact, it is an allegory of the journey into a ‘dark night of the soul’ experience.

Penelope, the noble wife of Odysseus, who stands for the climax of his endeavor, his goal, his higher self, does not immediately throw herself into his arms in welcome. Ragged, worn, and disguised as an old man, he is not recognized by her, though his old nurse and his faithful dog know him quickly. Is this because they are less sophisticated? Even when Athene restores him to his prime of life and to greater dignity and beauty than before, he has to prove his identity to Penelope without possibility of doubt before she can accept him as her long lost husband.

Having passed through the initiation in the Underworld and having learned unspeakable things therein, Odysseus is in danger of being overcome by pride and rash self-confidence and may yield to the fascination of the temptation. The satisfaction of intellectual desires alone threatens to lead him from the direct path into destruction, for the Sirens are maneaters. Knowing well the overwhelming power of this temptation, and that before he can be safe he must be willing "to appear as nothing in the eyes of men"

I'm sure you can all use google for more on that. This is already getting too lengthy.

So is The Dark Knight telling the same story as The Dark Night, which is also telling the story of Odysseus? They are all one in the same or inter-related?

So moving on with more coincidences between the three to further solidify their correlation then we can tie in the massacre at Aurora. I'm hoping the following will be a bit more convincing than the above.

Compare Odysseus’s reliance on lying and disguise to the Joker’s. Recall that Odysseus disguises himself as a beggar, which is evidently a familiar tactic for him, and then tells a different story of who he is and how he got to be a beggar to each person he meets when he returns to Ithaca. On the other hand, the Joker never shows his real face because of scars around his mouth. Every time he’s about to harm or kill an enemy, he tells a different story of how he got the scars around his mouth that “force” him to wear the make-up of a clown.

Compare the Joker’s relationship with mankind to the relationship the gods have with man in the Odyssey. Both seem perplexed by human behavior, since they aren’t really human themselves. Both are fascinated by human nature and human motivation. Both sometimes actively study human behavior the way a psychologist might study a rat or monkey’s behavior in a lab. Both like to confound people by challenging human assumptions and values

Why does the Joker say to Batman, “You and I are destined to do this forever”?

Curious enough, there is another Batman series titled "Batman: Odyssey"

But as mentioned before there are two books from the batverse that are having a few noticeable changes. Batman: The Dark Knight and Batman Odyssey. Both books started out strong but soon declined in sales. Batman: The Dark Knight #1 sold 89,985 in December while #2 sold 71,108 in March, that is a sharp decline in sales, and I assume that if the data was available there would be an even sharper drop between 2 to 3 and 3 to 4. While Batman: Odyssey #1 sold 61,827 copies in July 2010, but #6 sold 29,093 copies in February 2011. That is over a 50% drop in sales, and why many people say DC pulled the book while they tried to decide what to do.

Anyone care to make sense of this if there is any to be made?

Moving on, I'd like to post a few quotes here that may help make the connection to the Aurora, CO theater shooting.

The dawn goddess Aurora/Eos was almost always described with rosy fingers (ῥοδοδάκτυλος, rhododáktylos) or rosy forearms (ῥοδόπηχυς, rhodópēkhys) as she opened the gates of heaven for the Sun to rise.

Colorado is of Spanish origin, meaning "colored red." It came into use after the discovery of gold in the Pike's Peak region because of the red sandstone soil of the region.

Good ol' San Juan de la Cruz used this term many times in his writings to describe the color red. Or was it a metaphor?

Poseidon, the god of the sea, was the father of Polyphemus, whose "third eye" was destroyed by Odysseus. This is significant, for the sea often stands in symbolism for the great Illusion, the ever-shifting unstable elements in life. Odysseus is no exception to the rule that all who start on the great adventure for self-knowledge and the higher life must fight continually against the false ideals and illusions of their surroundings; they are swimming against the stream of the ordinary worldly consciousness.

So, stop me if I am reaching here but if this world that we live in could be considered a sea. Couldn't Aurora, Colorado be read literally as Homer's famous epitaphs "The rosy fingered dawn over the wine-dark sea" :wow:

Further quotes,

Throughout Odysseus’ journey, the metaphor of the dawn symbolizes his odyssey from immaturity, maturity, and fulfillment. The progression of Odysseus’ development of strength is like the development of day, from dawn to dusk. The epithet, “rosy-fingered dawn” marks the beginning of Odysseus’ odyssey. After his journey, the epithets “gold-throned dawn” and “bright-throned dawn” replace the “rosy-fingered dawn” however, after Odysseus returns home from his journey, he plans to rid his house of suitors, and the “rosy-fingered dawn” returns. After accomplishing the destruction of the suitors, finally, the “gold-throned dawn” replaces the “rosy-fingered dawn” .

The "rosy-fingered dawn" returns once again, as a new obstacle is introduced. When the "rosy-fingered dawn" (162) returns, another obstacle of Odysseus' is sure to come. For example, right before Odysseus attempts to rid his home of suitors, the day is begun with the "rosy-fingered dawn." In a way, this foreshadows obstacles to come. This example introduces the relation between Odysseus' strength and the metaphor of the dawn.

When we see the rosy fingered dawn over the wine dark sea in Homer's Odyssey it signifies Odysseus's journey into one of many dark nights of his soul

Perhaps the rosy fingered dawn over the wine dark sea is signifying a larger rise of our collective dark night?

The tragedy of Aurora, CO is signifying further death and despair ahead on our path to enlightenment?????

Someone help me out here.

Oh and how does the following figure into all of this......

Odysseus is Lucifer .. just as Lucifer was cast down from Heaven for failure to render tribute , Odysseus is cursed to roam the sea of Matter by the god Poseidon(El/Jehovah) for refusing to offer sacrifice(pay tribute) on the "Sea God's" altar .. both Lucifer and Odysseus are on a Q-west of return to once again establish themselves in their rightful positions as Lords and Masters of Fate

Cycle ops is the savage One eyed God of this world .. the tyrant of the cave of Matter .. Odysseus escapes this carnivorous man eating monster by lulling it to sleep through placation and guile ... Odysseus then fashions a massive sharp phallic spike and uses it to blind the one eyed demon by gouging out its eye .. Odysseus effects his escape from the tyrants cave by disguising himself and his brothers as sheep

Polyphemus (Greek: Πολύφημος, Polyphēmos) is the gigantic one-eyed son of Poseidon and Thoosa in Greek mythology, one of the Cyclopes. His name means "everywhere famous"(Odysseus tells the Cyclops his name is "Nobody")
Batman massacre suspect taken to hospital after 'suicide bid'

A JUDGE has agreed to delay a court hearing for alleged Colorado gunman James Holmes after the 24-year-old was hospitalised, having reportedly rammed his head into a wall, a spokesman said.

Holmes, accused of gunning down 12 people and wounding 58 more at a screening of the Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises in July, had been due in court for a routine hearing.

But the court date has been postponed until December 10, after Holmes's lawyers requested an emergency court session following Tuesday's incident, said Colorado state courts spokesman Robert McCallum.

The defence lawyer told the judge that there was an "incident that required Mr Holmes to go to the hospital yesterday, and it would not be something that would resolve itself by tomorrow,'' McCallum told AFP.

The Denver Post cited sources as saying that Holmes injured himself at the Arapahoe County jail, where he has been detained since shortly after the July massacre.

"In the middle of the day yesterday, we received information for the situation (that) involved a trip to the hospital,'' the newspaper cited attorney Tamara Brady as telling the court.

"It's not as simple as a migraine.''

Holmes, who has previously appeared in court looking bewildered with bright orange hair, has been held in solitary confinement since the massacre, one of the deadliest shootings in recent US history.

He could face the death penalty if convicted, although Colorado has only executed one person since capital punishment was reinstated in the western US state in 1976.

CBS Denver is reporting that Holmes had made several recent jailhouse suicide attempts that were viewed as being "half-hearted,'' with one of them involving him running into a wall in his jail cell, another involving him jumping off his bed.
This dude really tried to off himself by jumping off the bed?! I may be wrong but if he's in solitary confinement there's no double bunks & even then he'll have to jump off head 1st & hope he dies instead of getting a head injury... "Half-hearted'' suicide attempts :smh:
I went to the movies on Friday and as Im going to the ticket ripper guy there is this rent-a-cop dude posted telling my girl they are checking bags for safety :smh:

She opens the bag and the cop confiscates the two waters and some snacks we had... :smh: :smh: :smh:


I still tipped the ticket ripper guy I didn't want to be cheap :nthat:

you tip em too? i tip my mail man and the garbage man also :smokin
Saw 30 minutes of the video then stopped when they started talking about magical crap. The whole second accomplice theory could be true but I mean come on, it could of just been an employee getting some air or taking out trash. People were getting SPRAYED ON BY BULLETS and were panicking. Everything happened so fast from what reports have said . All this could have caused people to believe there were more gunmen.
This kind of reminds me of the people hearing bombs going off in the wtc buildings moments after the plane hit. People will jump to conclusions and believe they hear things whenever pandemonium is around.

But for all I know it could very be true.
bombs did go off ... my homie was there that day... the first thing he told me was " they're were setting off bombs at the wtc" firefighters ,ems, police and civilians all heard bombs going off... just because the msm doesnt varify it doesnt mean it didnt happened...
Like someone above said, conspiricies about this material are ******g pointless.....

The dude murked a room full of people and has been properly closed.
Not familiar with this conspiracy theory but to think that this government would never engage in such actions is 'sheeple' mentality. I mean Iran-Contra never happened and neither did the Tuskegee experiments, right? 
i cant believe dude that killed 70 people in norway only got like 15 years, and that prison he's in looks like a damn resort..

and this dude that left his girl in the theatre and felt like crap when he found out she was alive so he proposed.

i cant believe dude that killed 70 people in norway only got like 15 years, and that prison he's in looks like a damn resort..

and this dude that left his girl in the theatre and felt like crap when he found out she was alive so he proposed.

They treating dude like a national hero. Think it has something to do with his manifesto he wrote and his anti-islam sentiments?
School pic and mugshot are definitely the same people. Ears don't lie or his face structure after his nose
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