The James Holmes Conspiracy


Oct 31, 2011


  • Holmes having amnesia and not able to speak on top of his 2nd appearance in court not being recorded gives reason to believe that Holmes was drugged.
  • Multiple eye witness stories of multiple shooters and people involved covered up or ignored.
  • How was James Holmes able to shoot 70 people by himself if his machine gun supposedly jammed and he had to switch weapons.
  • James Holmes father is highly respected in the science and financial community and created a computer algorithm that would track down all major banking corruption, a threat to the elite banking structure. He was set to testify frightening bankers all over the world.
  • In Dark Knight Rises the rich class faces a threat in Bane who leads the lower class to attack wall street. Gotham learns that the rich and elite have betrayed them and Bane uses algorithm software to track the funds to Bruce Wayan; similar to the threat that Robert Holmes poses to wallstreet.

    There are more points those are just some that stood out.

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I wouldn't even be surprised at this point. There were reported "multiple shooters" at that Sikh temple too, and similar conspiracies against specific people.
The Dark Knight series was a very socially conscious series, which is what made it the success it is and set it apart from other superhero and comic films because it had that sense of realism to it that you don't really get out of Hollywood these days.

with that being said this did come across as a covert attack to seems like he had funding and support from outside sources...
I went to the movies on Friday and as Im going to the ticket ripper guy there is this rent-a-cop dude posted telling my girl they are checking bags for safety :smh:

She opens the bag and the cop confiscates the two waters and some snacks we had... :smh: :smh: :smh:


I still tipped the ticket ripper guy I didn't want to be cheap :nthat:
^:lol: whaaaaaa

In fact in 2006, at the age of 18, Holmes served as a research intern at the Salk Institute at the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla. Add to that the fact that for the previous two years before Holmes worked at the Salk Institute, the research center was partnered with the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA), including Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University, and the Mars Company (manufacturers of Milky Way and Snickers bars) to deter fatigue in combat troops through the enhanced use of epicatechina, a blood flow-increasing and blood vessel-dilating anti-oxidant flavanol found in cocoa and, particularly, in dark chocolate. Nothing like some dark chocolate for a little lift.

Read the original source:
Gotham learns that the rich and elite have betrayed them and Bane uses algorithm software to track the funds to Bruce Wayan;


There is no question in my mind that there is more to this incident than is being presented.
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I havent researchee heVily into the topic but from the comparison pictures i do not believe them to be the same person. Can anyone cliffnotes some eyeeitness report?
all this is hogwash. get this trash out of here.
how would you explain the 2nd gas mask or eye witness reports of another shooter?
fixed. As far as I know, there was only one person who said they thought there was another shooter.

It's a dark theater filled with gas + people running and screaming in mayhem & a lunatic spraying the choppa all over the place. The whole thing only lasted a couple of minutes so most of the survivors remember it as a blur. There is plenty that could be misconstrued yet almost all of the stories are consistent.

Why does everything have to be a conspiracy?
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this country is going to be seriously screwed if it sees the 22nd Century
what was the first mugshot from anyway?

i know your pointing out pupil dilation but he is making a different expression in each picture

theres talk about drugs the govt is developing...take it from a person who has been on some higher levels...i dont think a person can be in that kind of altered state and carry out this kind of attack...but then again IDK what kind of substance they're experimenting with....there is always new substances being developed by big pharmaceutical companies...and the feds have been researching ESP, altered states, mind controlling, truth serums and such for a long time:
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Dude, he looks the same to me. His facial expression and angle of his head relative to the camera are different




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Why does everything have to be a conspiracy?

You know how in the movies the villian explains why he's doing what he's doing and how its part of a "bigger plan"?

Well life is a movie to some of these people. A dude spraying up a movie theater HAS to be part of some grand scheme.

Dude being crazy or having a psychological break is not good enough for them. Life isnt random its a script to these dudes. :smh:
Why does everything have to be a conspiracy?
You know how in the movies the villian explains why he's doing what he's doing and how its part of a "bigger plan"?

Well life is a movie to some of these people. A dude spraying up a movie theater HAS to be part of some grand scheme.

Dude being crazy or having a psychological break is not good enough for them. Life isnt random its a script to these dudes.
We're on the same wave bruh. I see you in these threads saying the same ****. People are gonna believe what they want regardless of logic though. *shrugs*
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