The Invincible Thread

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he must have pissed BB something serious

I'm thinking its gotta have more to do with cap concerns. Him, Hightower and Butler are due to have some big paydays coming up next summer,wouldbe been tough to keep all 3

cap definitely the main factor. but the return seems low, man. his perceived value must not be that great. but then he wouldn't command a big salary. something is weird here.
Mike Reiss ‏@MikeReiss 1m1 minute ago
Jamie Collins scheduled for unrestricted free agency after the season. Negotiations had not progressed. Adds context to trade.
trade doesn't make any sense. I guess freeing up cap space is going to be the first reason for the deal.. but still. 3rd round pick?
Browns first W will be against Dallas or Giants. Book it.

Should have asked for Josh Gordon as well.
my man's on edge today

I have become used to this losses so I am not even phased
nah man.. I'm cool

as soon as I saw Donnie trotting out there, I figured we were going lose in some dumb way.. no use getting worked up this year.. that's why I'm all for trading certain guys.. this offseason is huge for us (draft and free agency)

we got some pieces, but we're still missing some things
why are you guys acting like this isnt a calculated and correct move by Darth Sidious

Bill will transfer all his talent into some undrafted guy from ICDC college
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