The Home Audio Thread

People on Reddit would not shut up about that center channel being on heavy discount at Best Buy.
damn playa, i see you! music and chill at ur place?
I like that they make these wild ones too :lol:
The prices for the Kef R line are a steal right now if you can still find a pair. Curious to know your thoughts on R11s vs your Klipsch speakers once you get them in.
Im sure they will **** on my Klipsch speakers... the entry level KEFs I have now already sound better. I expect these R11s to sound quite a bit better since they are rated 100 watts higher than my existing KEFs. These match the 300 watts per channel that the Emptiva amp pushes out.

According to Andrew Robinson only the Klipsch La Scala compare... and these are better

Keep in mind the ones I ordered are not the new ones with the meta meteial.
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Getting these things home was a major PITA...


If it looks like they fell off a truck... they did. Luckily everything LOOKS good. We will see how they sound when I get home
They are building a sidewalk next to my house so lots of road construction on my street so the semu couldnt get to my house. Had to borrow my buddies truck and meet him a few blocks down.

Askes the driver if he could take them off the palet but he didnt. Soon as I turned the corner both speakers tipped over and fell out the truck in the middle of the street. I was HEATED (and hot af), not to mention I had to load these big heavy *** things back in the truck, then unload them myself and carry them upstairs to the loft.

End result...

Was going to last year, but **** happened, ended up replacing my roof and adding solar panels... and buying too many speakers. Keeping an eye out for a deal on an RV in the next couple of years.

That’s dope, I’m in the planning stages of starting one also. Much success to you
So now I am thinking about getting a pair of R5 as rears... I need to make some measurements but I think they would fit perfectly into my set up... I will have to post pics of behind my sectional so you guys can see but RN I have a set of Q150s on some little rectangle tables I'm using as stands. Not trying to drop anotherr 2k rn tho so hopefully they stay in stock for a little while so I can pay off some other bills first.
The Pioneer 505 is down to $650, which is a STEAL! So tempted to buy one, but it's pretty much the same as my RZ50, so getting one to put in a bedroom would probably be over kill, especially considering I just upgraded the loft and moved my 3700 to the bedroom. It would be an upgrade in that room, but I literally JUST upgraded, so I will probably chill.

Hopefully the flagship Onkyo RZ70 and Pioneer 805 eventually go on sale for half off or better, I will def upgrade then.
Well, instead of buying another AVR I didn't need for $650... I bought another 15 inch Klipsch sub I didn't really need for $50 less! Lol, I think this will make a much bigger impact that another AVR I don't need in a room I only go in to get pants. Looking forward to it getting here in Thursday. Not looking forward to unmounting my bookshelf full of 1080 movies just so I can move it a few feet down to accommodate the extra sub, so it will probably just sit in front of it and look ratchet as hell for a while.
Switched things up a bit.

Onix Rocket RS850 and dual Crown XLS1002's. Both amps providing roughly 900 watts a channel. Using an emotiva PT-100 as the preamp.


Integra DTR 6.5 receiver running as a preamp

Philharmonic AA bookshelf speakers

Dual Crown XLS1002's

And Dual Dayton Ultimax 15's

There's also a hidden minidsp for REW and room correction.

I have an Anthem D2V processor I will replace the Integra with once I source a remote.
If hes just listening to musixlc then there is no need for more than 2 channels. I finally got to try out Atmos music now that they updated Apple Music on LG TVs... but I was not impressed.
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