The Gentry Mobile (Air Jordan Jeep Cherokee) Lol

Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Don't lie....everyone that wears Jordans would whip this....


I wear Jordans. I'm not lying when I say this... I would NOT drive that Jeep.
Originally Posted by mafiasco

this ++$#+ makes so much money all he can afford is a cherokee, this ++$#+ could probably step it up to the tahoe even if he would stop the fusions.

its not Gentry's car
If it waas that douches car it would have some horrible yellow color combo on it as well as all that horrible print
in the secoind flick it looks like his neck, chin , and lips are connected to his arm .......he has no shoulder
I wouldnt be caught dead driving that. I am now considering removing my 2 inch decal from my rear window to avoid looking like a tool
It's a cool idea, IF executed properly....

I was once imagining how would spinning Jumpman rims look on the wheel's
, that would've been dope instead of the painted Jumpman's.

The Cement-all-over is ok....but the constant Jumpman's all over kind-of make it look a bit tacky..
I seen this jeep before, he lives in georgia and does graphic art work on cars and stuff, i took pictures of his jeep with my camera phone, here are some morepics
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