The Following: Episode 15.....Season Finale - Finally.

yea its starting to get a little ridiculous with some of the things that are going on. quick question, im not familiar with the rules but would carroll even be allowed to meet with that many visitors while hes in prison? it seems like he had long sessions on multiple occasions with a ton of different people. i think in one of the first episodes they said he was visited by hundreds of people. would they even allow that in a regular prison?
I really liked the premise of the show and the first 2 episodes had me hooked. The way things are going, I'll probably call it quits after the season finale.

Its already been mentioned in this thread but its worth reiterating: the amount of reality the writers expect us to suspend to follow the story is almost insulting considering this is suposed to be a "realistic" crime thriller. And this is coming from someone who is a big fan of action movies where you almost always have to turn your brain off to enjoy. I actually enjoyed Taken 2 and seen it 3 times! When it comes to TV shows that drag on over months and years, I expect a little more refinement. I don't expect this to be completely accurate but come on!

My first beef with the show is the fact that Carroll was able to recruit his followers so easily from his cell. The prison guard was forgivable but you expect us to believe that a high profile serial killer is receiving visits from people with unsavory backgrounds multiple times? Not only that, but now you expect us to believe that they can explicitly plan out their murderous rampage during visitation and not expect us to ask why weren't their conversations recorded as is normally done for every other prisoner in every maximum security prison in this country? It becomes a little too much.

Honestly, I could let this ridiculous recruiting background story go if the story development was well done but it's not. The writing is so poor that I can't really get into the show. They're using the same formula over and over again. Carroll begins some phase of his plan, FBI finds out, Ryan closes in, then some unexpected person reveals themselves as a follower of Carroll and the bad guys get away. Rinse and repeat. We're 6 episodes deep and we seen this formula at least 3 times already. Then to add insult to injury, the character development is so forced that you don't really care about any of the characters. When you're not connecting with the characters, it takes most of the suspense out of the show which is the crux that's holding this show up.

With all that said, Kevin Bacon and James Purefoy are amazing actors. If it wasn't for those two, this show would probably be remembered amongst the worst television shows in the history of the world. If Fox is serious about this show, they need to scrap their writers at the end of the season and give it another shot.
My thoughts on Roderick:

Does anyone think that the young FBI agent is Roderick? They hinted that Roderick has access to air support and advanced surveillance equipment. Its pretty obvious that the writers are hinting towards the FBI chick but these writers are so predictable their gonna throw something out from left field. The young FBI agent (forgot his name) knows so much about Ryan that he might just be Ryan's "follower". Plus, he's always tagging along with Ryan and ish always goes wrong. And you're telling me that trained police officer would miss from that close if she was really tryna off dude?
Like I said this show needs a wildcard smart character tos hake things up and to take over the fact how dumb the police/FBI are and how easily things are going exactly as planned for Carroll.

With the way Hardy was acting they may be hinting he's going over the edge and wasn't just acting that way but I'd like someone to show up and **** up all these plans.
And why won't they bug the Attorney or something?
Cuz they're dumb. If anybody watches enough Law & Order you can easily see how dumb these FBI dudes are.
They have another cult show premiering on the CW. Could be good. Once in awhile the network will put out a good show. T-Bag is the star of it.
I was gonna check it out. The female lead is a chick I want to bang but I was kinda put off the way T-Bag was showing up on this guy's phone so clearly taunting this guy. Reminded me of Nazir from Homeland on the blackberry.
This show is slowly losing me. It went from edge of your seat suspense to absolute comedy due to the ridiculous nature of the writing. I'm very close to giving up.
This show is slowly losing me. It went from edge of your seat suspense to absolute comedy due to the ridiculous nature of the writing. I'm very close to giving up.

Someone help me stop watching, I feel like I'm wasting an hour every week :smh:
Well, tonight was fairly solid and the ending + preview is eye opening. Maybe they heard us getting annoyed.
I missed the 1st half of this cuz I was watching a game but peeped the last 30 min cuz I don't give a **** either way.

Did my man really hold the warden's daughter hostage, have 2 decoys, and managed to escape with aid of his lawyer of all ppl? Riding shot gun? No tail or anything? Then next thing dude is completely escaping Hardy with help of one or two other dudes and fleeing in a damn helicopter just to show up at some plantation manor with like dozens of his bland gray sweaters and dresses wearing followers pouring out the house to greet him?

I'll definitely catch the rerun this friday or online but if you don't watch from the start of an ep you'll be lost.
I missed the 1st half of this cuz I was watching a game but peeped the last 30 min cuz I don't give a **** either way.

Did my man really hold the warden's daughter hostage, have 2 decoys, and managed to escape with aid of his lawyer of all ppl? Riding shot gun? No tail or anything? Then next thing dude is completely escaping Hardy with help of one or two other dudes and fleeing in a damn helicopter just to show up at some plantation manor with like dozens of his bland gray sweaters and dresses wearing followers pouring out the house to greet him?

I'll definitely catch the rerun this friday or online but if you don't watch from the start of an ep you'll be lost.

Not shotgun, you musta caught it after they pulled over for him. You got most of it right, but there's a piece you just missed I think.
Last nights episode was a lot better than the past couple that aired! Hoping it picks back up
Suspending my disbelief for the next hour.

EDIT ~ Anyway... now that's what I call a "following"... an impressive group!  And father-son reunited!  Team-Carroll! 

At least Carroll's out now and we don't have to see each of his encounters with Hardy in an interrogation room. 

Also, Fox has renewed the show for a second-season. 
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I'm going to keep watching just to see what happens next but these are the worst FBI agents ever!
Renewed for a 2nd season? Cool.

Honestly, as much as I've complained.
It's still an interesting show.

The stupidity of the FBI has to change to have a long successful franchise...but it's still interesting and I look forward to seeing what theydo with this now that they know it won't be canceled.

Sometimes shows need security so they can stop worrying so much about shock value and immediate ratings. Now they can actually take their time and give us some better writing with more depth.

This could be good for all the flaws we've noticed, or it could do nothing. Well see.

But at least we didn't get ourselves invested in these 7 episodes only to see it get Axed quickly like Fox seems to do so often.

Last nights episode was better, looking forward to seeing what happens now.
^^^ I was wondering that also.

Season finale has to end on a cliffhanger just to have some story left for the second season.

There is 8 more episodes left
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Renewed for a second season? Yea this show is about to drag out for a while, Joe got everybody in the cult
Renewed for a second season? Yea this show is about to drag out for a while, Joe got everybody in the cult

word. Get ready for the kid to be still in Joe's possession by end of S1, Roderick being the main reveal of the S1 finale, More inside followers revealed to carry an episode with 8 left, etc. Hope I am truly wrong and they fix this show for S2.

This latest episode, imo what made it slightly better than the previous trash, was: No showcase of dumb FBI, a legit reason for the Warden to be compromised not some inside follower reveal, minimal screen time for the kidnapper and no show of paul and jacob, no flashbacks, nice surprise with offing of the lawyer and twist with Joe ending up in the lawyers trunk instead of the wardens, and better flow for some reason.
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