The Flash (CW Series) thread, season 9

Supergirl is pretty good.

I think what turned off people - especially male viewers - was the whole feminist slant they had going on the first couple of episodes.

Nowadays they don't focus on the whole girl power thing at all. They just focus on the story.
Should've done this from the start.
Legends of Tomorrow is :pimp:

Is Supergirl good? Not sure why I'm so reluctant to watch it. 

Watched a few episodes. 

The show isnt bad or good, its just really average.

Supergirl is pretty good.

I think what turned off people - especially male viewers - was the whole feminist slant they had going on the first couple of episodes.

Nowadays they don't focus on the whole girl power thing at all. They just focus on the story.

Being honest, I like Supergirl more than Legends of Tomorrow. They gotta get their **** together. I think LOT is a good idea and has potential but almost every week it's the same thing with right before the final act they have the whole time continuum beef and lecture where dude gives in and is like "you're right" and helps whatever teammate is in trouble that week. Every damn week.

I honestly think the show would be better if they just find a point in the past and stay put. Maybe change the year/setting every season or half season. Give the show some grounding. Make them have to adapt to their surroundings for a period. Give Savage some lieutenants and generals they have to take out before taking him out in the fall finale or something.

They could use a season or half season and show Savage's involvement in a moment in history. Make them have to stay in that year and setup shop for a while to stop him and then when he's beaten, jump to the next moment instead of them ping ponging around.

They're just kinda everywhere right now. They killed Savage like 2-3 times and it's done pretty much nothing except make him aware. Shows not going to last killing Savage every episode. I like the action but it's hard to really get invested.

Supergirl started slow but it's getting better each episode. It's not perfect but its getting there.

I admit, every episode I'm waiting for Supergirl to ask Jimmy, "are we ******* or nah?"
The guy chose for Savage and the writing for him as equaled a lame villain. That adds to some of monotony.

I dug the last ep though.

In a way the show is reminding me of a poor man's Sliders. They hopped around from alternate Earth to alt Earth trying to get home. These guys are up and down the timeline trying to kill Savage while the main guy is also a fugitive to his own time travelers club. They just have to make the periods they arrive way more interesting.
I chalked it up future Britishness but he don't seem like a Time Master at all.

Always whining to them about the timeline or these ppl or this don't matter cuz when we go back it'll never happen. They make it seem like he's doing this for a long time but it's weird and maybe just an old trope to make him the loner with questionable ideals that has to learn to be more caring and teamwork and the value of ppl's lives especially when the whole reason he's doing it is cuz his wife and son died.
You know what would be dope. If Tom Welling made a cameo in Flash as Clark or Superman. I need this to happen
Since the idea of multiple universes have been put into play in the tv-verse, part of me is curious if they'll do some epic reveal like revealing to the audience that the Smallville universe and the Supergirl universe is the same.


Nvm just remembered Smallville already had its own Supergirl lol


And it's own Flash. Sorry it's been so long since I've watched Smallville.
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Wow. I forgot flash was on smallville too. Who else was on there? I kinda remember green arrow worked with aquaman and some others I can't remember on some missions. Martian Manhunter made appearances but I forgot why he was there.

I watched Birds of Prey when it was out but it's been so long that I want to watch the episodes again.
The entire league almost showed up on Smallville. They were reaching hard; Cyborg, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Flash, Martian Manhunter, etc. I think even Zatanna.

MM was there claiming he was a friend to Jor-El and was watching over Clark this whole time waiting to mentor him in to being Superman. Then he got killed in a pretty dumb way that ignored his power set.
I was trying to remember if the young black guy was cyborg. Surprised cw didn't make a jusice league show back then.
They wouldn't do Batman.

On an on topic note, what if Zoom is a future Jay Garrick? That's why he thought it was a complication that he killed his younger self :lol:

It'd make sense in the original Earth-2 timeline, after losing his speed Jay didn't give up on the velocity crap, made velocity 12 or something and then became Zoom. Broke the time barrier and went to the past to steal the speed of his younger self to be even faster and then he happens upon alternate Earths and decides to steal Barry's speed too.
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At best, Batman would be dead in that world and they'd give yall Grayson as Batman or Tim Drake.
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The entire league almost showed up on Smallville. They were reaching hard; Cyborg, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Flash, Martian Manhunter, etc. I think even Zatanna.

MM was there claiming he was a friend to Jor-El and was watching over Clark this whole time waiting to mentor him in to being Superman. Then he got killed in a pretty dumb way that ignored his power set.

Zatanna was there, even the Wonder Twins, black canary.

The old justice society was on there, dr fate sent Martian Manhunter back to mars to get his powers back
yea Rip Hunter is trash.

I dont mind the fact that they arent a team in LoT but there does need to beb more side stories than just walking around and killing savage.
Lol they blew him up in that Russian prison

I don't get why she didn't just get Hawkgirl to stab him then

She was literally there. They had him at gunpoint :rofl:
Yeah, the whole main plot of the show and connecting his story with the hawkpeople is so dumb. Should've just kept him an immortal caveman.
Lol they blew him up in that Russian prison

I don't get why she didn't just get Hawkgirl to stab him then

She was literally there. They had him at gunpoint :rofl:

They had multiple chances to kill Savage but "he got away".. :rofl:

They killed him multiple times already. They blew him up, they killed him the episode he was drinking Hawkman's blood and another time that I can't remember
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