The Fishing Thread, ANY ANGLERS ON NT ?!

Rock bass
I've been looking for a fishing thread on NT. Nice to see people get out on the water. a lot of nice fish have been posted in the last few pages.
Man, I really want to go fishing.

Do you need a license fishing off a pier in CA?
Man, I really want to go fishing.

Do you need a license fishing off a pier in CA?

"Anyone 16 years and older must have a fishing license to take any kind of fish, mollusk, invertebrate or crustacean in California, except for persons angling from a public pier for non-commercial purposes in ocean or bay waters. A public pier is defined in the sport fishing regulations as a publicly owned man-made structure that has the following characteristics: is connected, above the mean high tide, to the main coastline or to the land mass of a named and charted natural island; has unrestricted free access for the general public; and has been built or currently functions for the primary purpose of allowing angling access to ocean waters."
"Anyone 16 years and older must have a fishing license to take any kind of fish, mollusk, invertebrate or crustacean in California, except for persons angling from a public pier for non-commercial purposes in ocean or bay waters. A public pier is defined in the sport fishing regulations as a publicly owned man-made structure that has the following characteristics: is connected, above the mean high tide, to the main coastline or to the land mass of a named and charted natural island; has unrestricted free access for the general public; and has been built or currently functions for the primary purpose of allowing angling access to ocean waters."
So, I'm good!
Love this YouTube channel. I need to try spearfishing one day. Dudes are crazy swimming with all of those sharks :lol:
i need get out on a boat soon with the homies and reel up some flounders for some good eating

dope catches fellas
The one decent fish I ever caught was a nice European eel when I was 10 or so. :smh::lol:
We made some good "Paling In 't Groen" (Eel in the green) with it, a Belgian national dish I'd highly recommend trying out if you have some eel to cook with.

Fishing is something I'd like to get back into but there's so few good spots in the area nowadays, and I need a new license. Even all those years ago you had to travel pretty far just to get a chance of catching something of decent size and/or edible.
I suppose our Pikes are edible but they're not exactly tasty. Huge pain in the *** to fillet as well.
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