Paying players isn't logistically feasible. It's just not. Like I mentioned most D-1 schools don't generate a profit from collegiate sports and for the ones who do generate, its usually from one or two sports (mens basketball and football and in some cases baseball and some women sports).
I can't believe there are people who still believe this stuff.
1. You believe the bull **** accounting of NCAA schools?
So you think schools are encuring the expense of hiring, multi million dollar coaches, building more and more lavish student centers, building bigger and bigger stadiums...for what? out of the kindness of their hearts? Cmooon man.
even the schools don't make money in a strict accounting sense, the name id, brand value that comes from big time division 1 sports is insanely valuable even if you don't "make money". Take it from me, my family is from Nigeria, many of them go to the US to go to university. My dad went to UCON.
do you know why?
Because he recognized the name because of the god damn basketball team.
My uncle was looking at schools to send his daughter too, he was considering Gonzaga, now why would a old dude from nigeria know about a small catholic school in the pacific north west. BECASUE OF THE GOD DAMN BASKETBALL TEAM.
How are schools supposed to pay athletes a salary when they don't generate money from college athletics? Also, will only athletes from revenue generating sports get paid? What about equestrians? women's tennis?
Don't pay players, but this isn't a reason to preclude EVERYONE from not paying players, this would be like saying well I can't afford a playstation so their should be a law prohibiting the sale of playstations.
Will the schools who generate the most money like Alabama and Texas pay more than the smaller schools like Western Kentucky?
yeah that's how capitalism works my guy.
The playing field would be even more uneven under those circumstances.
and? the playing is already not even you know why?
because teams send ridiculous amounts of money on recruiting visits and building lavish student centers, WHY? BECAUSE THEY CAN'T PAY THE PLAYERS.
If the players really weren't worth paying you wouldn't see all this money spent in perks, but they have to spend it because THEY CAN'T JUST PAY THE PLAYERS.