****The Everything LaVar Ball Thread****

And thats when she should be cut immediately, any time an ultimatum is given, smh I know too many dudes that were weak and gave in to the ultimatums and then end up paying for it down the road years after

I mean whether he ends up being top 10 all time PG in NBA History good or if he's a Jordan Clarkson level player all of this still applies since NBA salaries have spiked up so high these days role players make NFL Starting QB money

Theoretically are you guys saying that ANYONE with money shouldn't marry? Cause they aren't the only ones who attract women with their finances.

let's take a step beyond pro athletes and look at billionaire ceo's in various industries. The guys that make pro athlete money look light. Most of them are married. Why? They must find some value in it.

Mark Zuckerberg could buy the Brazillion national women's volleyball team and have them feed him grapes butt naked on a private island if he wanted.

There's no right or wrong way to look at this. Trust me, I've had my share of jaded views on marriage as well. I'm just saying...millions of people who die in car crashes every day shouldn't scare you into getting into a car.

Now if you get in a car crash with bad brakes and die (or marry when you weren't ready)...well that's another story.
Marriage is a business. It's too many horror stories with just regular working people. With these athletes it gotta be impossible to find a chick that really down with you. And all the temptation out there.

Now this is definitely true. I'd probably have to come into the league with my day one if I were a pro athlete like Lebron. Cause unless it's another public figure with money, you're a prime target for people with ulterior motives. In rare cases you may meet a regular chick and make it work. Andre Iguodalas wife is far from a pin up model or video vixen and I think he bagged her after being a pro athlete.
LaMelo has ALOT of work to do. Gonna be interesting to see what he does in the shoe camps next summer. I'd also like to see him play with a real AAU program. It's hard for me to tell if the kid can really play or not because every time they play a big time program...his team gets waxed and he's usually a looter in a riot. There are kids in that 2019 class that you KNOW are pros. Melo ain't one of them right now. His celebrity is greater than his talent. Luckily...he looks like he's going to hit 6'7+ which will do WONDERS for him. This upcoming year is pivotal in a prospect's development. Your junior year + the following summer is when you usually find out if a guy is a one and done talent or not.

Honestly...i'm not sure bumping him up a grade was best for his development.
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let's take a step beyond pro athletes and look at billionaire ceo's in various industries. The guys that make pro athlete money look light. Most of them are married. Why? They must find some value in it.

I'd say in a business realm marriage is held as a standard similar to the absence of tattoos or long hair.

Many of those same CEOs are down low or are cheating on their wives with younger women.

Lavar is in NBA 2k
Game over!
#bbb #ballcontrol

Wavy they ain't ready
Yeah in that fortune 500 corporate world they still see Married Men as more "stable" than bachelors etc. Almost like how you have to be married to become POTUS, in more progressive European Countries you can be elected Head of State as a bachelor like Hollande was in France but it's almost impossible here in the U.S so you have to put up the image of a happy marriage even if its not


:lol: saw the vid before but didn't pay attention to the cherries and get the cherry picking reference :lol: ultimate troll

For all the people that complained about him cherry picking, I say that the blame should go on the other coach. if you see what's happening, then try to stop it. only like 22 of the 92 was cherry picking though. He's gotta drop 100 this season.
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