- 2,629
- 135
Our Loyalty club has been updated!
Customers now have three levels to pick from: Silver, Gold and Platinum.
Silver is $9.99 with free 4-5 business day shipping.
Gold is $19.99 with free 3 business day shipping and 25% off a future order.
Platinum is $39.99 with free 2 business day shipping 25% off a future order and free returns for one year.
All current Gold Club members will receive the same benefits they are recieving now. These are also the same benefits as outlined in the Gold membership above.
Customers will not be allowed to upgrade or downgrade which program they are enrolled in during membership. Customers must also wait until their current membership expires before they can join a new club at any level.
Some promotions will only be sent to certain levels of membership. So, higher club levels could potentially receive better promotions and offers. This in no way is a guarantee that any level will receive exclusive restock information, but it is certainly a possibility. Again, I do not mean to imply that there will be additional restocks. We are just not sure one way or another at this time.
Members will have the option to upgrade their shipping time frames at all levels, however the additonal costs will vary.
Hope this was helpful. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions. Thank you.
EastbayRep - Dustin
Customers now have three levels to pick from: Silver, Gold and Platinum.
Silver is $9.99 with free 4-5 business day shipping.
Gold is $19.99 with free 3 business day shipping and 25% off a future order.
Platinum is $39.99 with free 2 business day shipping 25% off a future order and free returns for one year.
All current Gold Club members will receive the same benefits they are recieving now. These are also the same benefits as outlined in the Gold membership above.
Customers will not be allowed to upgrade or downgrade which program they are enrolled in during membership. Customers must also wait until their current membership expires before they can join a new club at any level.
Some promotions will only be sent to certain levels of membership. So, higher club levels could potentially receive better promotions and offers. This in no way is a guarantee that any level will receive exclusive restock information, but it is certainly a possibility. Again, I do not mean to imply that there will be additional restocks. We are just not sure one way or another at this time.
Members will have the option to upgrade their shipping time frames at all levels, however the additonal costs will vary.
Hope this was helpful. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions. Thank you.
EastbayRep - Dustin