The dumbest thing I've ever heard.......


Jan 28, 2008
No pics.

This chic my friend knows from school said one of the dumbest things I've heard. I'm like What in the @+% ? Convo goes like this....a lot of people arearound as well.

Stupid girl: "I think I'm allergic to musquitos."

My friend: "How are you allergic to musquitos? What happens?"

Stupid girl: "I have this allergic reaction to them."

My friend: "So what happens to you? Do you get sick or have to go to the hospital?"

Stupid girl: "No, when I get bit I get a bump and it itches, I hate them!"

Everybody: "


Post yours
You can be allergic to bites. When I get bug bites they get super swollen if I even touch them and get pretty tender. So HA!
Originally Posted by West2East

You can be allergic to bites. When I get bug bites they get super swollen if I even touch them and get pretty tender. So HA!
she might have a's a question of the severity of a reaction. Some people form very strong allergic reactions to different bites(bees, mosquitos, wasps). I mean most people are allergic it's a question of how bad it is.

EDIT: I read what she said again and that broad sounds stupid.
I was giving this chick a ride home and she points to the exit sign and says "that's my exit, Washington State street."


Just to make sure I was not hearing things I asked again and of course she said it again. I would have never thought a 20 year old girl would be dumb enough tothink St stood for state.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by West2East

You can be allergic to bites. When I get bug bites they get super swollen if I even touch them and get pretty tender. So HA!
she might have a's a question of the severity of a reaction. Some people form very strong allergic reactions to different bites (bees, mosquitos, wasps). I mean most people are allergic it's a question of how bad it is.

EDIT: I read what she said again and that broad sounds stupid.
I think your right... but lets go along with the bashing
This is the same chic that follwed a guy home because she loaned him 1 dollar when they was on break at work.
She was like
"I need my dollar back"
After he told her yea ima give it back to you, thanks!
She goes
"No I mean today"
Nevermind you she has a job and makes good money.
She followed the guy home to get the dollar back that he owed her. %!% so dumb she prolly burned 10 dollas worth of petroleum.

True story....I swear it. Some people are just born stupid .
(In Best Buy's car radio section.)

"On the feature list, it says it's iPod capable. Does it come with the iPod?"

smh.. not as bad as my ignorant co worker today.

me and another co worker were watching the obama victory speech discussing how moving it was and what a victory. basically being stoked about it.. an oldergentleman who happened to be black is in the store listening to convo.. doesnt say a word until she opens her mouth.

ignorant co worker says "oh wow.. woopdidoo.. now he can go live in the white house and live happily ever after!..."

me: "what?! do you know how much is riding on him, being the president isnt easy.."

older gentleman interjects "wow miss... do you have any idea what kind of state our country and planet is in right now? the war, global warming, thiseconomy?.. he has the entire country on his back... and besides that he has so many people who dont even want him in office. its not going to be a happily everafter from now on..."

customer is obviously thinking shes the dumbest white girl hes ever met, pays for his merchandise and walks out.

later i tell her "you really set that guy off earlier... he couldnt believe you said something so ridiculous"

her reply.... "oh whatever hes dumb. i really dont care about politics. theyre so stupid."

me: "thats pretty sad you dont care where our country is headed"

her: "he was just offended because obama is probably his brother! hahaha "

me: "did you really just say that?.. that was pretty racist. i cant believe you just said that"

her: "oh no... but you know what i mean! hehe"

me: "actually no i dont. that was really ignorant. just because hes black doesnt automatically make him related to someone else who is black. i never knewyou were racist. thats pathetic youre that ignorant"

her: ".........."

me: "im taking my lunch. later. "
Originally Posted by West2East

You can be allergic to bites. When I get bug bites they get super swollen if I even touch them and get pretty tender. So HA!

I mean she didn't say anything happens out of the norm. She cleary stated she get one bump that that's what happens when u get bit by amusquito you dumb %!! girl.
Originally Posted by EVERLASTiiNG

smh.. not as bad as my ignorant co worker today.

me and another co worker were watching the obama victory speech discussing how moving it was and what a victory. basically being stoked about it.. an older gentleman who happened to be black is in the store listening to convo.. doesnt say a word until she opens her mouth.

ignorant co worker says "oh wow.. woopdidoo.. now he can go live in the white house and live happily ever after!..."

me: "what?! do you know how much is riding on him, being the president isnt easy.."

older gentleman interjects "wow miss... do you have any idea what kind of state our country and planet is in right now? the war, global warming, this economy?.. he has the entire country on his back... and besides that he has so many people who dont even want him in office. its not going to be a happily ever after from now on..."

customer is obviously thinking shes the dumbest white girl hes ever met, pays for his merchandise and walks out.

later i tell her "you really set that guy off earlier... he couldnt believe you said something so ridiculous"

her reply.... "oh whatever hes dumb. i really dont care about politics. theyre so stupid."

me: "thats pretty sad you dont care where our country is headed"

her: "he was just offended because obama is probably his brother! hahaha "

me: "did you really just say that?.. that was pretty racist. i cant believe you just said that"

her: "oh no... but you know what i mean! hehe"

me: "actually no i dont. that was really ignorant. just because hes black doesnt automatically make him related to someone else who is black. i never knew you were racist. thats pathetic youre that ignorant"

her: ".........."

me: "im taking my lunch. later. "

"are rocks alive? no, right?"

emily raho in my bio class back in high school. can't forget that dumb brick.

also voted "most likely to pull on a push door"
on a copier:
"the black copy button, and the color copy button, what do they do"

"the on/off button turns it off too right?"
First day back from Summer vacation....

Dumb girl: Are you guys taller, or did I grow shorter?
Originally Posted by Face82

Originally Posted by West2East

You can be allergic to bites. When I get bug bites they get super swollen if I even touch them and get pretty tender. So HA!

I mean she didn't say anything happens out of the norm. She cleary stated she get one bump that that's what happens when u get bit by a musquito you dumb %!! girl.
sorry to burst your bubble but that happens b/c she is allergic to mosquitos, along with about 90% of the population.
that girl is clearly smarter than everyone else involved in that story
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