The Donald Sterling Thread

He was dam near close to death a few years ago. Wouldn't surprise me be he did have cancer.
dont wish bad health on anyone but it is very convenient that the cancer details were just released in the past couple days
ESPN called the Clippers America's Team :lol: :smh: This joke has gone too far.

This whole thing is a sham.
I looked at the NBA by-laws after the Silver presser. Can anyone tell per Article 13, what the NBA is going to use to justify the removal of his ownership? By looking at them, he didn't commit anyone of them.

The Membership of a Member or the interest of any Owner may be terminated by a vote of three fourths (3/4) of the Board of Governors if the Member or Owner shall do or suffer any of the following:

(a) Willfully violate any of the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws, resolutions, or agreements of the Association.

(b) Transfer or attempt to transfer a Membership or an interest in a Member without complying with the provisions of Article 5.

(c) Fail to pay any dues or other indebtedness owing to the Association within thirty (30) days after Written Notice from the Commissioner of default in such payment.

(d) Fail or refuse to fulfill its contractual obligations to the Association, its Members, Players, or any other third party in such a way as to affect the Association or its Members adversely.

(e) Wager or countenance wagering by its officers or employees on any game in which a Team operated by a Member of the Association participates.

(f) Willfully permit open betting, pool selling, or any other form of gambling upon any premises owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the Member or an Owner, except, subject to Article 8(a), for gambling activities that are lawful in the applicable jurisdiction and do not involve in any way, directly or indirectly, gambling with respect to any aspect of the Association’s games, events, property, players, or other personnel.

(g) Offer, agree, conspire, or attempt to lose or control the score of any game participated in by a Team operated by a Member of the Association, or fail to suspend immediately any officer or any Player or other employee of the Member who shall be found guilty, in a court of law or in any hearing sanctioned by this Constitution and By-Laws, of offering, agreeing, conspiring, or attempting to lose or control the score of any such game or of being interested in any pool or wager on any game in which a Team operated by a Member of the Association participates.

(h) Disband its Team during the Season, dissolve its business, or cease its operation.

(i) Willfully fail to present its Team at the time and place it is scheduled to play in an Exhibition, Regular Season, or Playoff Game.

(j) Willfully misrepresent any material fact contained in its application for Membership in the Association
So technically sterling still owns the team and is making money off these games right? He hasn't been voted out yet
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All ya'll that are "mad", I don't see ya'll talking about this...selective anger
Broner owns a team in the nba? News to me and people of all races were calling broner an idiot last night

Some of y'all gotta be slow

And you calling him racist when he first stated "IM AN AFRICAN" then went on to say he beat a Mexican...I didn't know stating nationalities was racist and some type of slur :lol:
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Cause when it's racism towards blacks it's a big deal, but towards other races, name calling will suffice
I don't see any repercussions for Broner.
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In relation to Sterling, Broner probably has hispanic/Mexicam fans, who have paid/pay to see him. Selective racism, I'm hip.
Sterling said he didn't want blacks at his game, that's racist? [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Why couldn't he say 'I beat my opponent'? Let a white/hispanic say "I just beat a black" and see how quick it makes headlines
If he did that wouldn't be racist though, how is what he said any better?
Why couldn't he say 'I beat my opponent'? Let a white/hispanic say "I just beat a black" and see how quick it makes headlines

Did broner say "I beat a brown" ...just stop man...these black boxers have y'all panties in a bunch
Bruh, arfican-americans refer to themselves as black, if black is just a color then you shouldn't be offended by what sterling said. "i don't want BLACK (a color) people at my games"
Every post is IF IF IF IF IF

let's talk facts...broner rhymed a bar calling himself an African and saying he beat down a Mexican...nothing racist about it...did he have class? Hell no but what he said wasn't racist

Edit: people didn't care that the old **** said black...they were offended cause he said he didn't want them at the games....this my last post cause you straight out a remedial class
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